One Second After

God has really shown us His favor and we have booked some of the most knowledgeable people on the planet to speak to the concerns we face as Christians in today’s world. People are responding with urgency that we haven’t seen before – and that is a good thing! That shows that the body of Christ is waking up and moving, and preparing for perilous times! (2 Timothy 3:1)

One of our recent guests, Michael Maloof, the author of “A Nation Forsaken” and an expert in the threat of EMP attacks, brought home the fact that it would take very little to bring down the entire American power grid and thrust us immediately into the dark ages. He warned of small scale, as well as large scale attacks designed to maximize confusion and panic: the result being over 200 million (projected) deaths from starvation and disease.

In the book, “One Second After” by Dr. William R. Forstchen, we get a glimpse into the immediate realities of a small community in North Carolina after an EMP attack cripples their world. Anarchy, disease, martial law, starvation and lack of water all arrive on the scene within a matter of days. This is a fictional account, but some day it may be an all-too-real reality. The book asks the question: “One second after an EMP attack, it will be too late to ask two simple questions: what should we have done to prevent the attack and why didn’t we do it.”

Lori and I pray all the time that God’s people won’t have to ask themselves why they didn’t heed the warnings and prepare for events such as these. We are doing our best to warn people to get ready NOW so that you and your family, your friends and even your entire community can survive! We need to be the ones with the answers when it all comes down and we can be – if we act NOW.

Our message is not one of just surviving, but being able to minister to spiritual needs with the love of God in a hurting world. We can do that best by first meeting the basic physical needs for food and water – and only then, as Lori says, can we talk to them about our Jesus.

We are living in the days of Revelation and major events are about to happen all over the world. But, do not fear, for these things tell us that Jesus is coming back and the Bible is true!

In my Bible studies I have come to learn that there are over 365 places in the Bible that God tells us to “Fear Not,” in many different ways! Here is a good one from the lips of Jesus:

“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7

Remember, God loves you – He really does! And we love you too!

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10 thoughts on “One Second After

  1. EMP bags would really be mute…since all electric may be down..what are you going to get.? Likely static., as far as internet, tv, maybe radio….no electric, no a/c or furnace. It truly would be grim. Need to think like pre-electric grid – if you really want to prepare. This is why the scripture says men’s hearts will fail them for fear. People fall into what is called the normalacy bias…since something like this has never happened, people doubt it could. Big mistake – the jewish people during WW11, thought the same thing, and we know how that went down. Think 1800’s. It might seem silly, and unneccessary – but proverbs says “consider the ants…..long story short, they prepare for winter and no one tells them to. Wisdom is needed and knowlege her partner for this. God will not orphan us.

  2. I just finished the book. Now I understand what Pastor Jim and Lori have trying to tell us its not just the food. It everything. The book is so right we are so unprepared for anything like. But God is so good that he is preparing us in a big way to be ready. I will pray for church leaders, community leaders, govt leaders that they receive the message and get ready. I pray for forgiveness for our nation and for us all. Thank you again God Bless.

  3. I appreciate the information in the book “One Second After”, it is very thought provoking and would like to thank the author for his effort and desire to warn us of the very possible horror that’s coming. There is only one downside to this book, and that is the “salty” language. I know we were warned that the language was there, and that the author wrote it for all people, not just Christians. However, as a retired police officer, who had backslid and repented and turned my life and language around I will say this….Police say that you have to use the language of the street so that the street people will understand what your saying. After repenting and changing my language to be more like Jesus would approve of, I found that I didn’t need to use “street” language for people to understand me. I worked for many more years in areas of town which were filled with “street” people, they all understood what I was saying without one “salty” word. In the future I hope the author will consider this. My Mother 88 years old, found the information good, but the language offensive and un-necessary.

  4. In my opinion we should thank the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for His feasts. Where the Jews and Jewish believers sound the shofar on The Feast of Trumpets ( Rosh Hashana). Where in my opinion 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 will happen. Whether this happens before or after “One Second After” , we should all be prepared physically and spiritually. All these years the Jewish people have sounded the shofar on Rosh Hashana as liken to a rehearsal, or a preparation. We don’t know the hour or the day this will happen. For when it does happen, it will be to late because God doesn’t tell us which Rosh Hashana it will occur on.. So one day in the future God himself will blow the shofar on Rosh Hashana and 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 will happen. Many events could happen before an EMP strike. Wars ( Psalms 83, Ezekiel-38-39 ), famine, earthquakes, and destruction. We are in the birth pains. When the generation that sees the birth of Israel happen, this generation will not pass away until all things be fulfilled. So be prepared, accept Yeshua (Jesus) the Jewish Messiah as your savior, serve the God of Israel with all your heart, and look up your redemption draws near. Oh bye the way, i am a gentile believer in the Jewish Messiah,

  5. When Michael stands up in Daniel 12, it is to protect and defend God’s People! Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

    Christians are saved by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ is our Saviour. However the Orthodox Jews have ben given a second chance. And like doubting Thomas, they needed a physical proof! In 1982 a Christian who keeps the 7th Day of Creation holy, gave the Jews, the blood of the Lamb, to test, put in water, watch it come ALIVE! If the Jews don’t “come out of her My People,” as Jesus is speaking to them in Revelation 18, they are condemning themselves, for denying the Holy Spirit, and the physical evidence God has provided. If we deny “his prophets” and forget the foundation is Jesus Christ, we too might become guilty of killing his servants, like the Jews who stoned Stephen.
    Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. We expect to see the dead rise before Jesus comes. Look forward to seeing Adam and Eve, rise from the graves….and that will be a GREAT EARTHQUAKE! Something worthy thinking about, with a SMILE! The Jews sound the shofar at Yom Kipper & hope Dan 12:3 is fulfilled

  6. This would knock out all electronic devices and cripple our banking system, electric grids… – internet. You can buy emp bags on the internet to protect your electronic devices..problem is you use them., so if one went off, it might not be in the bag!!! But they are supposed to work. They are to the military specs.

  7. Thank You Pastor Jim and Lori for your tireless effort to warn people be get prepared for the coming of our Lord and Savior. I also believe that we are living in the very End of the End Times for Jesus to split the Eastern Sky. Also thank you for the guest you have on your show to keep us informed of the days as they unfold. I have learned so much more and really enjoy when you have Rabbi Jonathan Cahn as your guest. I love you all and you all are in my prayers.

  8. Read article on EMP attack. Very informative.
    When writing articles with initials instead of words, please identify what the letters are standing in for when they first appear in the item. I got the “E” (electronic?), but do not have a clue what the “M” or “P” represent.

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