Pastor Saeed Writes Son on 7th Birthday

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini was sent an invitation to the birthday party of his son Jacob next week and responded with a letter saying his “chains are keeping me from you.”

He said that Jacob should invite Jesus into his heart and that He will fulfill all of his son’s needs.

The letter was given to a relative of Abedini who was permitted to visit him last week in his prison.

“I saw your beautiful birthday invitation that you had made me and I know how much you want me to be there on your birthday,” the letter reads. “Daddy loves you so much. I long to be there for your birthday and to make this reunion happen, but my chains are keeping me from you.”

“So happy birthday to my big boy and my hero, Jacob Cyrus Abedini,” he wrote.

President Obama had told Jacob he would get his father home for his birthday but so far nothing has been done by the administration to secure the release of the American pastor imprisoned for his faith.

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