Philadelphia Abortion Clinic “Beheaded Live Babies”

In the continuing trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor a witness has testified that live babies were beheaded after birth.

Stephen Massof testified that he routinely saw the murder of infants at the clinic. He also testified to at least one abortion after 26 weeks, more than two weeks beyond the state’s permitted 24-week limit.

In addition, Massof said that nearly 100 living infants has their spinal cords cut out by rusty and unsafe instruments.

“It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place. It is literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body,” Massof told NBC.

Massof is awaiting sentencing after he pled guilty to the murder of two babies.

Kermit Gosnell is on trial for the murder of seven babies at the Philadephia Women’s Medical Society Clinic as well as a woman who was a patient. He will be facing the death penalty if convicted.

Prosecutors say Gosnell made over a million dollars a year and charged $3,000 for each abortion. Investigators testified that fetal remains were stuffed in cabinets in the basement in jars and bags.

One thought on “Philadelphia Abortion Clinic “Beheaded Live Babies”

  1. The seed of satan does such brutally heinous and startlingly hellish things such as murder these innocents, the seed of man (precious babies created by God, in His image.) God sends us such precious living beings with unique God-given gifts. It makes me wonder how many inventions, discoveries, doctors, preachers, etc. have been savagely and cruelly brought to their demise by this immoral barbarism. BABIES ARE A BLESSING, NOT A BURDEN–WAKE UP AND TURN, AMERICA!!

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