Poor Chinese Woman Forced Into Third Trimester Abortion

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

Editor's Note:  The Jim Bakker Show declines to post pictures of this horrific event, though they are widely published.  The graphic content of these pictures may offend some readers.  They sure offended the web staff.

“Since this country led the world in legalizing abortion, the blood of the innocent is on our hands!  Unless we do all we can to reverse this travesty, God will judge us too!”

– Lori Bakker

A photo showing a seven month pregnant woman forced into an abortion has shocked Chinese web users. Feng Jiamei was forced into the abortion by local government officials after she was unable to pay a fine for having a second child.

This is the latest in a line of forced abortions in China as a result of the country’s one-child policy, according to activist groups like the US based “All Girls Allowed.”

“The one-child policy continues to sanction violence against women every day,” Chai Ling of All Girls Allowed told the BBC.

Feng’s husband, Deng Jiyuan, told “All Girls Allowed” that his wife was forcibly taken to the hospital by government forces and restrained before the forced abortion. A photo of the woman lying next to her dead child is being spread around by activists within China.

Local officials in Zhenping county have denied the woman was forced into it but investigations by the Shaanxi Provincial Population and Family Planning Commission have confirmed the incident. They stated the actions by the local officials violated national and provincial policy.

“Based on the findings, we have requested the local government to punish the relevant officers according to law,” the Commission reported.


One thought on “Poor Chinese Woman Forced Into Third Trimester Abortion

  1. This is deplorable! How can people do such a thing to a person!! Can you imagine what she is going through right now! I will keep Feng and her husband in my prayers. Where are the United Nations now?

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