Pope Francis Calls Out Italian Mafia

Pope Francis is taking a bold stand against Italy’s powerful mafia organizations, telling the leaders that if they don’t repent they will end up in hell.

The Pope made his comments at the end of a special mass for family members of those who have been killed by the mafia organizations.  The Pope sat in silent prayer as the names of 842 victims in the last year were read aloud.  He then issued a blessing to the family members before pausing and issuing his comments to the mafia members and leaders.

“I feel I cannot conclude without saying a word to the protagonists who are absent today, the men and women Mafiosi,” the Pope said.  “Please change your lives.  Convert yourselves.  Stop doing evil.”

“There is still time to avoid ending up in hell,” the Pope continued.  “That is what is waiting for you if you continue on this path.  You have had a father and a mother.  Think of them.  Cry a little and convert.”

The Pope then expanded his comments to a wider audience, saying the trappings of wealth, power and status would not give anyone true happiness.  He concluded by saying that no one will be able to take anything with them into the next life.

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