Pope Francis Says Families Are Under Attack

Pope Francis told a crowd at a Rome stadium that Satan is attacking the family.

The Pope was holding a special mass and rally at Olympic Stadium in Rome that featured over 50,000 people raising their hands and praying in unison for the Pontiff who has repeatedly asked the public to pray for him since assuming the office.

Pope Francis said that the family was the “domestic church” and that Satan would love nothing more than to destroy the stability of the family.  He announced that he will have bishops from around the world to the Vatican in October to discuss ways the church can help rebuild and reinforce the families of the church.

The Pope also brought a lighthearted moment to the event when he shared a story about his early days as an archbishop in Buenos Aires.  He said that he didn’t “share” the way charismatic Catholics prayed there, dancing and singing, but later realized the “charismatic renewal is a great force.”  He said that he thought the actions of the charismatics reminded him of salsa dancing.

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