Powerful Earthquake Shakes Papua New Guinea

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Just 12 hours after a massive earthquake killed dozens in Iran, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rattled Papua New Guinea on Wednesday morning.

There was no threat of a tsunami according to scientists however the quake was very shallow. The quake centered about 11 miles east of Aitape.

Officials say that many residents fled the coast line after the quake in fear the massive quake would trigger a tsunami. Reports of injuries or deaths will likely take days as people filter back to their homes.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on historical data the fear of a tsunami was warranted by local residents as the quake was strong enough to generate a quake within 62 miles of the epicenter.

Papua New Guinea is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common.

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