Pregnant Teen Wins Court Fight To Stop Abortion

A pregnant teenager who sued her parents to stop them from forcing her into an abortion has won the right to keep her baby.

An agreement was reached with her parents where she can have the child and the parents cannot physically force her to have the abortion or impose any other kind of physical force on the 16-year-old.

Under the terms of the agreement, the parents will not object to her marrying the father of the baby, 16-year-old Evan Madison. The parents will also return her car, pay her cell phone bill and half her car insurance.

“Right now it’s a victory for life,” attorney Stephen Carey said to “And we’re glad that they stood up for the right to life and that they recognized, our client recognized that her child had the right to live and she wanted to protect that.”

The girl, currently living with her mother, said she hopes to marry and move out soon.

3 thoughts on “Pregnant Teen Wins Court Fight To Stop Abortion

  1. I would like to help this young woman. If there is any way, I wish someone would let me know how. I am so thankful to God that this young woman has the heart to want her baby, against all odds. As christians we have a responsibility to help her.

  2. I cannot immagine grandparents wanting to kill their own grandchild. They could at least give the child up for adoption (if necessary). I’m so grateful that the young mother fought so hard to keep her child. Praise the Lord!

  3. Thank you Jesus. Victory even if just one precious life. But this will multiply….more and more babies, including twins and triplets will be born. I pray this in faith believing and not doubting. Bless this couple Lord and may they be married soon and I ask You to provide all their needs. satan MUST be defeated…..prayer is an effective tool.

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