Russia Meteor Origin Discovered

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Astronomers have released a report detailing the origin of the massive meteor that caused millions of dollars in damage to central Russia earlier this month.

Using the amateur video footage found on YouTube and other social networking sites, the scientists were able to calculate the trajectory of the meteor to determine it originated from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The team of Columbian astronomers at the University of Antioquia used six different properties of trajectory to determine the height, speed and position of the rock as it fell to Earth. The meteor was found to be part of the “Apollo” asteroids whose orbits often cross the Earth’s orbit.

The orbit of the rock was elliptical moving beyond Mars and then back through the Earth’s orbit. The apex of the Earthward course of the meteor sent it barely into Earth’s path but the timing was perfect to send it into the atmosphere.

The rock has now been listed at 10 tons and 55 feet in width by NASA.

The scientists credited the amateur videos having time and date stamps on the footage for making the quick assessment of the meteor’s origin possible.

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