Russian Gunship Fires Warning Shots at Turkish Fishing Vessel

Matthew 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

A Russian gunship fired warning shots at a Turkish fishing boat over the weekend to prevent the two vessels from colliding into each other, Russian government officials said in a news release.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense said the incident happened on Sunday morning in the Aegean Sea.

It’s the latest in a series of tense interactions between the countries since Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border on Nov. 24. The nations believe conflicting sets of circumstances about the incident, which has led Russia to impose several sanctions on Turkey.

According to the Russian statement, its Smetlivy destroyer was anchored near Lemnos Island in the northern Aegean Sea when sailors noticed the Turkish vessel approaching at about .62 miles off the starboard side. Smetlivy fired some signal rockets and tried to hail the ship via radio, but received no response. When the Turkish ship got within .37 miles, Smetlivy utilized its “naval small arms … at the distance of guaranteed survivability of the target” to prevent a collision.

Russia says the Turkish ship immediately changed course after that, but never hailed Smetlivy.

The Russian Ministry of Defense summoned the military attache at Turkey’s embassy in Moscow to discuss the incident. But Turkish leaders were reportedly not thrilled with Russia’s reaction.

Citing comments he made an Italian newspaper, Reuters reported that Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said firing warning shots at a fishing ship was unnecessary.

“Ours was only a fishing boat, it seems to me that the reaction of the Russian naval ship was exaggerated,” Cavusoglu reportedly told Corriere della Sera. “Russia and Turkey certainly have to re-establish the relations of trust that we have always had, but our patience has a limit.”

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