Senator Says “There Is A War on Christianity”

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said in a speech today at the Faith and Freedom Coalition luncheon that there is a “war on Christianity”.

“It angers me to see my tax dollars supporting regimes that put Christians to death for blasphemy against Islam, countries that put to death Muslims who convert to Christianity, and countries who imprison anyone who marries outside their religion,” Sen. Paul said. “There is a war on Christianity, not just from liberal elites here at home, but worldwide.”

Paul then gave multiple examples of Christians around the world being persecuted for their faith. A woman named Asia Bibi is on death row in Pakistan because she took a drink from a Muslim co-worker. The Muslim co-workers then said she was insulting the Prophet Mohammed and thus she was sentenced to death.

Paul also spoke of the importance of Christians standing up for the rights of the unborn calling it something so important that it could bring down the country.

“As Christians, we know we must always stand with the most defenseless,” Sen. Paul said. “I believe that no civilization can long endure that does not respect life from those not yet born to life’s last breath.”

One thought on “Senator Says “There Is A War on Christianity”

  1. Senator Paul is one of my favorite people in government. He is quite correct about Christian persecution and about the importance of abortion in our nations continued existence. How can a just God allow the outright murder of 55 million children in their mother’s wombs? No chance. He will soon execute justice upon our nation in a very dramatic manner to be sure.

    We can forget about our government taking a stand in defense of persecuted Christians anywhere given the fact that our president is a Muslim and a citizen of Indonesia.

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