Download Water Is Life Pamphlet
Wow, am I excited this morning! I woke up several hours before the sun was up with this letter to you on my mind! So much is happening in our world that cries out that we are living in the last days, the days just before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comes back to take us home to be with Him forever more. I am in my office retreat in our home, where I have peace and a place of quiet, so that I can talk to God and hear from Him! I cried out to God to bless you and all of those that He is bringing together to hear His word for the last days! I pray for you, that you will be in good health and be prepared to win souls in this “Harvest Time” that is about to come upon us!
This week after long research and development, what I believe to be one of the most important developments in our battle to stay healthy is finally off the assembly line! Carl Palmer, who created one of the greatest water purification bottles in the world that even takes out radiation, has just released his newest invention! I am so excited to be the first to receive the most recent creation to come from Seychelle labs, the brand new Seychelle pH2O Pure Water Filtration bottle!
Several doctors have been recommending drinking water with enhanced pH levels for years, but most of the home machines that increase pH cost as much as five thousand dollars! My secretary and her husband have one in their home that cost fifteen hundred dollars and they feel it was worth every penny of the cost in health benefits to them! But, most families just cannot afford these expensive machines!
FACT: Elevates pH level in water to 8.0-9.5.
FACT: Filters out offensive tastes, odors, chlorine, silt, sand, and chemicals such as pesticides.
FACT: Removes harmful metals such as aluminum, arsenic, asbestos lead, and copper.
FACT: Removes radiological contaminants.
A study in a 2001 issue of the “Journal of Protective Medicine” found drinking alkaline water for 3 to 6 months lowered cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure levels in participants”-since it is able to detoxify more efficiently than in an acidic environment. In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently. To put it simply, the higher the pH level, the more alkalinity there is; with more alkaline, the harder it is for acidity to exist in your body.
Dr. Don Colbert MD, one of our personal physicians, hands his patients a glass of pH water when they step into his office!
“When cancer patients come into my office to begin nutritional treatments, their bodies are almost always very acidic and toxic. My first task is to get their tissues alkalized with alkaline water. Cancer thrives in an acidic body!”
-Dr. Don Colbert
Dr. Don Colbert, MD, author of the best seller “The Seven Pillars of Health, prescribed drinking pH water to Lori every day in her fight to overcome Hepatitis C! We learned first-hand the benefits of having a healthy PH balance and that raising Lori’s alkaline level gave her body the chance to heal. Thank God for good doctors, good medicine and good prayers! A few months ago, Lori was certified Hepatitis C free by all her doctors!
I am not a medical doctor or an expert but I am a student and I read what many doctors are teaching us. When I first tested my pH20 Pure water bottle using one of the number one bottled water brands it read 5.1 (which is extremely acid!) Then I ran the same water through my new water bottle and it tested 9.5! WOW, it works like a miracle!
“The cells and fluids in most people’s bodies are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing harmful toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging oxidation of free radicals that can lead to cancer and other diseases.”
-Dr. Robert Atkins
If you want to get started using this amazing new product now, we are offering it today as a love gift for your donation of $100 to support our ministry. If you order two for a gift of $200 we will send you a third one as a bonus gift!
Lori and I are so thankful to you for standing with us during these eventful times in history!
P.S. These amazing pH water filtration bottles are now in stock and will be shipped directly from Seychelle to your home!
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Receive one (1) Seychelle pH2O Pure Water Bottle for a donation of $100. | Receive two (2) Seychelle pH2O Water Bottles and one (1) bonus Water Bottle for a donation of $200. | Learn more about the health benefits of drinking high pH water on our website! |
How will I know I used 100 Gallons? You say replace filter at that point. How can I tell I have used 100 gallons? Thanks
Love my pitchers! I am curious about the Seychelle filters and not using water from a faucet that is softwater (salt). What will happen to the filter or will it not even work?
I know that this might be a silly question, but can the filters in the pitcher be submerged in the water?
Submerging the filters in water does not cause any harm to them.
We live in the country and have not been able to afford a well yet. We would have to drill over 900 feet and its very expensive. We have been getting water from a neighbor’s well and harvesting rainwater for cleaning, bathing…. We do not live in city limits so there is no option for city water. Would we be able to use this water or would we need to continue buying drinking water and then filtering it?
Well water and Rain water are best filtered using the Extreme filtration products as the pH2O filters do not remove bacteria or viruses that can often be found in these types of water sources.
I flushed my PH filter with tap water and I have a water softner. Is my filter ruined now ? I misunderstood what they meant by salt water. I was thinking they meant ocean salt water. Wish the book would of said not to use with water from a water softner,
I have your orig. water bottles, then ordered the radiation filter that fits it..will the new ph filter also fit the water bottles or do I need to buy yet more bottles? I have several of the orig. bottles…thanks!
The pH filter will also fit the Extreme Survival Bottle.
I have a bottle an pitcher ph20.
I have filter in my refrigerator.
I have reverOsmosis in my kitchen.
I have in my kitchen regular water.
Which faucet shall I fill my pitcher and bottle?
Thank you and God bless you.
Hi Maria, you can fill up your pitcher and bottle from any of those options. It’s your preference. I would personally recommend filling them up from the option that filters the most junk out of the water and then let it run through your Seychelle pitcher and bottle.
I would love to purchase PH02 products. Do you ship to the UK? 🙂
Hi Teresa, sorry as of right now we don’t.
If you purchase a water bottle or pitcher, it comes with a filter, can you order the filters for either product in a quanity amount such as 2 or3 as a packaged deal?
Yes. We have a 3 for 2 offer the bottle & pitcher filters.
How can I purchase a pitcher and what’s the best way to clean the filter in the bottle?
Hi Kim, you can order from our website. Here is the link to our water pitcher category.
The best way to clean the filter, in the bottle, is to fill the bottle up and squeeze the bottle to force the water through the filter and out of the straw. Do this a few times. Keep in mind that the filter is good for up to 100 gallons of water. At this point it is recommended to replace the filter.
I am using my PH20 bottle water my question is:
How often should I wash my bottle and when shall
I re-flush the bottle. Shall I wash my bottle once a week?
In what occasion shall I re-flush my bottle and pitcher?
I will appreciate your answer.
Hi Maria you can wash the bottle as often as you’d like. Be sure to unscrew the filter before washing it. You can re-flush the filter as needed. The filter is good for up to 100 gallons of filtering. At that point you can flush the filter or purchase a replacement filter. Hope this helps!
What is the difference between the Seychelle PH2O Pure water bottle and the Seychelle Extreme water bottle
Hi Lowona, the Extreme bottle filters out a lot more contaminants while slightly increasing the pH level. It’s purpose is for worse case scenario such as hurricanes, power outages, floods, etc. The pH bottle was designed specifically to increase the pH level up to 9.0 while doing some filtering. The pH water bottle is meant more as a replacement for bottles of water because it will provide cleaner & healthier water. I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
My name is Maria and I want to ask you about my ph20 water bottle.
Is it true that I shouldn’t put my bottle in the refrigerator?
My friend say I should drink only warm water.
Looking forward to know your answer.
Hi Maria, the bottle can be put in the refrigerator. It can’t be put in the freezer as that could ruin the filter.
If I go away for a month is it ok. To leave the pitcher
With water in the refrigerator or shall I store it.
Hi Maria, it should be okay but I’d recommend emptying the pitcher, re-flush the filter because it hasn’t been used and then refill it.
how often do I need to change the filter
Hi Mary, the filters last up to 100 gallons of water and you can find the filter replacements here—>
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
How long do the filters last, are they replaceable or do you have to purchase a new bottle? If replaceable how much do new filters cost???? I am sure I am not the only one with this question, please address this issue on your show??? People need to know the total cost of the product. Thank you so very much. Please answer via email.
Hi Vicki the filters have been mentioned on the show but I will definitely pass along that they should be mentioned more often. As far as your questions: the filters last up to 100 gallons of water and you can find the filter replacements here—>
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
If I order a PH bottle June 6th will I have it before June 25th. Wanting to take it on my trip.
Hi Sophia are turnaround time for the bottles is 2 weeks but it could take up to 4.
I bought a pho2 bottle of water. I am going to travel and I will take my bottle.
Steps to follow when I take my bottle.
Do I just empty and dry the bottle.
Let me know please because I am leaving Friday.
I thank you for your answers and GOD bless you.
Hi Maria, if you haven’t already you need to flush the bottle several times before use. After that you can wash the bottle as needed but you would need to remove the filter before doing so. The filter is not washable. I hope this helps!
How do you “flush” it?
There is a red & black piece that comes with the filter. You screw this pieced onto the filter, hook it up to a faucet, let it run slowly for several minutes and this will flush the filter.
Thanks! Does it have to be flushed before use (the very first time)?
Yes, Seychelle recommends flushing it before use. When you get your bottle or pitcher it will have some good & detailed instructions. Thank you!
From all sources, we are being told to avoid all plastics in our life. (PFOA, etc.) What makes these pitchers and bottles different/safe?
All Seychelle products are BPA free; are non-toxic and do not leach; and use only FDA approved #4 and #5 plastics and food grade material. For more information about Seychelle’s products, including lab tests and more, please visit
how long does the first filter last
Hi Mark it can filter up to 100 gallons before being replaced or being re-flushed.
The instrucción say that the filter does not work with
Salt water. Does this mean water from the Ocean
Or Water Softener.
Hi Maria, it’s any water with salt in it. I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Does my RAD Picher raise the pH to 8-9.5.and take care of acidic problem like the ph20 new water picture?
I would like an answer as soon as possible please.
Give me the impression that the new pitcher ph20 is better than my RAD pitcher.
But these pitcher are expensive and I can not afford to buy the new ph20 pitchers.
Hi Maria, the RAD pitcher does raise the pH level some but not like the new pH water bottle or pitcher. The pH bottle & pitcher were designed to raise the pH level of the water along with filtering the water. The RAD pitcher or bottle was designed with extreme filtering in mind. I hope this helps!
I only drink bottled water because I don’t like the taste of our tap water would you recommend I just use tap water or should I use bottled water in this bottle
Try both! I’ve personally tried both and I’ve noticed the water does taste better either way.
Erick, i love the replys, you answer all the questions i might have had.
Thank you Charlene! I try my best. Let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions. Thank you for your support.
Where to buy or find on your web site for PH pitcher replacement filter?
Hi David they will be on the website in the next week. In the meantime you can call in and place an order for this filter. Thank you for your support.
I see you will ship to Germany and Australia . Then why not to Alaska???
Hi Bill we actually don’t ship to any place that’s outside of the Contiguous US & Canada at the moment. We are working on an international shipping option though. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Will the new ph2o replacement filters fit any of the seychelle water bottles.
Hi Mark the pH replacement filter will work in the Extreme bottle too.
I want to increase pH of well water ,but also remove any viruses and bacteria. Would I need to run the water through 2 filters ? The pH and the survival ? Will well water clog filter more quickly ?
Hi Rich
That’s what you would need to do! I personally have well water and I’ve been running it through the pitchers and bottles and I haven’t noticed them clogging any differently.
What if I pour the water through 2 or 3 times ? How high can I get the pH ?
Hi Rich, it does not after it reaches that higher level of pH.
Does the PH level of water from this water bottle remain high if you use it for cooking?
Hi Wanda, Carl Palmer answered this question on the LIVE show today and it’s a yes! Thank you for your question and for your support!
Hi Erick….Can I order a filter for my pitcher that will raise the PH to 9.5?
Hi Gayle the new pH2O pitcher has a different design compared to the previous pitcher. So the new filters won’t work. There are replacement filters for the new pH2O pitchers. I hope this helps!
What about our pitchers that we all bought in the last couple of years ?
Do we now need a new type of filter ? I can’t live without my pitcher.
Gale your existing pitchers are still good. The new pH2O water bottle does some filtering along with increasing the pH level up to a 9.5.
where can we buy the supreme water bottle?? and is it not as good as the ph water bottle?? one minute we are hearing the one bottle is the best now we are hearing the ph…really how many bottles for water do we need and where do we order these things and what about extra filters??? You do not tell how long the filters last and can we replace them????
Hi Lili you can find and order our water bottle products here—->
You can’t go wrong with any of the bottles. The survival bottle is the best option for extreme filtering. The PH bottle increases the PH as you drink the water. It also filters out contaminants but not as much as the survival bottle. And yes there are replacement filters. I hope this helps!
I see in the downloaded book they advertise the Seychelle water pitcher as well. When will these be available?
It’s something we’re looking into!
Can pH2O bottle be stored in refrigerator? Can water be poured from bottle into a glass? Will the bottle condition the water to a high pH as fast as one can drink the water?
Richard YES! to all of your questions! Thank you for your support!
I’ve washed the bottles several times. And push the water through the filters. The bottles still smell sort of like an oil. Any way to get the smell out of the bottles? Also can lemon juice be added without hurting the filters?
Brenda I’m unsure of the oil smell from the bottle. If you continue to have that smell or a bad aftertaste please contact our customer service 877-528-2525. We’d recommend not putting lemon juice in the bottle.
Where can I download the free Water For Life book. I just ordered the Bakker’s dozen for $650 and was told I could download the book, but can’t find where I download it.
Katie you can find it right here—>
And thank you for your support!
how long does it take to raise ph
Shirley the ph level rises as the water flows through the filter.
If you buy several bottles or replacement filters, how long can they sit in the cabinet before you use them? days?weeks?years?
Louisa this is Seychelle’s suggestion when it comes to maintenance and storage: When the filter system will not be used for any duration, we recommend that you flush a chlorinated solution (½ tsp. per gallon of water) through the system.(Clorox Bleach will do.) Allow bottle and filter-cap assembly to dry thoroughly before stowing. I hope this helps!
I just purchased the ph2o pure bottle. I have been filling it with tap water but would it work the same if I put distilled water in it. My family uses distilled water and I bought the pure bottle for the ph balance.
I just received my bottle, been drinking from it. I also get a kinda sulpher after taste. There is no salt in our
water. We do have a filter on our Fridg, and I put that water in my Seychelle water pitcher, then into my
pH2 bottle. Should I just fill straight from the water tap? Love the idea of keeping my PH balance healthy.
Thank you / Bren
Bren, Seychelle recommends flushing the filter before use. If you are still having the sulfur after taste please contact our customer service at 877-528-2525. As far as using tap water or the fridge water, that would be a personal preference. You will still increase the ph level and be filtering your the water.
I just recently recieved the Saychelle pH20 bottle. i am very pleased with the 3. my Question is, can adding ice to the bottle interfere with the filter properly do what it was made to do. i like to drink water with ice. By adding ice i do want it to work right. GOD Bless!
Eriko adding ice won’t effect how the filter works!
how long does it take to ship? I read you don’t get it for 6 to 8 weeks,I was wondering why so long if your paying 10.00 to ship it
Luann, after the order has been received, you should receive your item in 2 weeks. For your specific order it has been delivered already! Please let us know if you have any issues.
Will the ph testers you use be available to purchase?
Barb it’s something we’re considering. We’ll be sure to announce it if we do offer it.
Can the pH20 replacement filter be used in the Extreme water bottle?
Yes Barbara!
i read that it cannot work with bore hole or well water. How will this then help people who live in third world countries?
Mattie, the pH2O filter will work with well water but it won’t filter out bacteria or viruses. For use in the third world countries, where there is known bacteria and viruses in the water, a person would need to use the Extreme Survival Bottle. For more information on what this bottle will filter out please visit our website:
I received my ph bottle and I flushed the bottle out like it said to do, but I have a nasty aftertaste when I first drink from the bottle, which was my tap water. We have a filtered water system, not ph but a water softener. If I don’t drink the water right away and let it set maybe 10 or 15 minutes I have that nasty aftertaste when I first drink from the bottle. Do I have a bad filter or something?
Carol, Seychelle recommends to not use the filter with salt water. If you have any further questions or issues with the new bottle please call our customer service line at 877-528-2525.
Do the bottles come with a filter when you first buy them.
Warren, yes they do!
Are the bottles BPH free?
Lilian do you mean BPA free? If so, yes they are BPA free.
on the ph2o seychelle water bottle it states “not for use with saltwater” Does this mean you can’t use water from our house if we have a water softner in the home?
Hi Joyce I pulled this statement from Seychelle: the Seychelle portable water filtration bottle is affordable, efficient, cost effective and can be filled from any convenient water source anywhere, anytime except salt. I hope this helps! Let us know if you have anymore questions.
what is the difference between these water bottles and the old seychelle ones? I have the old RAD seychelle water bottle.
Lilly as far as the bottle itself there is no difference. The difference is in the filter. The pH2O will increase the PH level in the water.
How much for extra filters?
Marguerite the pH2O replacement filters are $44 plus shipping. You can find it here:
Do you ship to Australia? How much will it cost?
Kind Regards
Yes we can. It would be $15 to ship a bottle.
Does this come with the digital PH water testing meter ( as seen on the show) ?
Kelly as of right now it does not come with the tester.
Will the ph2o filters fit in our seychelle pitchers?
Pamela they will not. The new pH2O filter is designed for the bottle only.
I also needed to know how long the filters last. Based on your answers above the filter is good for every 100 gallons and the bottle holds 28 ounces. Ok, so there are 128 ounces in 1 gallon. 128 ounces x 100 = 12,800. When I divide 12,800 by 28 it means I can fill up the water bottle 457 times before I need to purchase a new filter. Awesome! Well I guess it would depend on how much water you drink, but even so it’s still really good. That is, if I’m doing my math correct and I did it twice to check it. I want one or more.
That sounds right Cassandra!
can we get the bottle in Germany and how much will it be
God bless you
Frank yes you can! The shipping cost for a single bottle would be $15.00.
Will you also be getting a pitcher version of the pH20 pure water system?
Jen at this time no. Although he RAD filter in the Seychelle pitcher has been shown to increase the PH levels from 7 to 8.
Will they have the replacement filters and what about for our pitchers?
Pamela the replacement filters are now available! You can call 1-888-988-1588 to order or they will be on our website soon!
I have a friend who like me is on a strict budget, she ordered six bottles, I like to watch out for her. Is there a charge for the filters also.
Paul the replacement filters are $44 plus $5 shipping and handling.
Where do you purchase replacement filters and what is the cost
Carolyn the replacement filters are now available! You can call 1-888-988-1588 to order or they will be on our website soon! The replacement PH filter will be $44 plus $5 for shipping & handling.
How much do the replacement filters cost?
The replacement PH filter will be $44 plus $5 for shipping & handling. You can call 1-888-988-1588 to order or they will be on our website soon!
I would love to order this but how long will it take to receive, I still haven`t received my last order.
Nona I apologize about your last order. Please call 1-888-988-1588 and they will be happy to help you with your existing order! With the new pH2O water bottle, it will be shipped within 2 weeks of the date the order was placed but please allow a maximum of 4-6 weeks for delivery on all orders.
How big is the bottle, as the picture shows it looks like something I’d carry in my backpack.
Paul it’s a 28oz bottle and the dimensions are 11 x 3 x 3 inches. Hope this helps!
If a person already has a health issue, for example, like diabetes, will using the bottle with the PH2O filter eliminate the condition or just reduce it? I presume it’s best to use as a preventative health measure.
I would encourage you to review, the benefits of increased PH levels, with your doctor. Feel free to review our product page for more information on the new pH2O filter.
Does it take out floride?
Marie it will filter out Fluorides! Check out our product page for more info on the new pH2O filter!
How long does the filter last in the new pH2O bottle? Are their refills available? … before I buy.
Carol it filters 100 gallons of water. The replacement filters are now available! You can call 1-888-988-1588 to order or they will be on our website soon! The replacement PH filter is $44 plus $5 shipping and handling.
how long will filter last
Lisa it filters 100 gallons of water.
wish i could afford to get this is amazing soon i will pray