Smoke From Wildfires Grounding Firefighting Aircraft

Joel 2:30 "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke.

Firefighters trying to stop the biggest wildfire in Washington State history are being dealt another blow as heavy smoke is forcing the grounding of firefighting aircraft.

“We’re still socked in,” firefighter spokesman Rick Isaacson said. “There’s maybe one mile of visibility.”

The dense smoke continues to cause respiratory problems for firefighters and for residents in the surrounding areas.  In Spokane County, an area of 500,000 residents, has air quality that has been rated “unhealthy.”

“Everybody up here is rubbing their eyes,” fire department spokesman Donnie Davis said. “It’s brutal.”

The fire in Okanogan County is now at 438 square miles and is only 17 percent contained by 1,300 firefighters.

“You can imagine how stretched thin everybody is,” said Dan Dallas, deputy incident commander of the Okanogan fire. “We’re all working without the resources that in a normal year — which I don’t think there is such a thing anymore — that we might have.”

Firefighters are also struggling with swarms of yellow jackets while they fight the fires. It has been reported that a lot of the stings are located on their faces and necks since their equipment leaves very few gaps for the insects to attack.

Crews are being told to stay away from hives until they are removed leaving uncontained fire lines.

2 thoughts on “Smoke From Wildfires Grounding Firefighting Aircraft

  1. Yellow Jackets bites are so painful (more of the pestilence of the end times?) preventing the saving of lives and property and future food and heating supplies. The more that is destroyed the fewer people will survive as other sources of supply disappear.

  2. On the eve.of Aug.14th,we were driving down to our little town in Id.. As we started down the hill into town,we were greeted with blood curdling sight I’ll never forget! It looked as tho the whole town was burning. As soon as we were able to drive the roads we were met with all the forests totally burned along with many small towns around us. We saw many animals dazed and confused with nothing to eat and the ground still hot with smoldering embers.It was as tho someone dumped a chemical on the ground to make sure everything burned. It’s so apocalyptic! Thank God as I write this, there were no human lives lost,but there’s many left homeless. There will be no food for livestock or wild animals other than a little hay and no way to grow anything. The waters are drying up also. We can’t thank God enough for sparing the home we rent and we are faced with a lot of smoke,but not as much as other places.The fires are still burning and we pray all the time for God to protect this place.We do have a little food stocked up and pray that God will keep it going for when we help feed others. This is truly a wake up call and we thank you so much for helping us get ready. I think I’m still in a dream.It’s so unreal.Even tho,we’re warned ,we can’t be prepared for how it makes a person feel when it happens.We also pray that the hurricane doesn’t hit Florida and there’s also one headed for Hawaii.

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