“Sugar Is The Most Dangerous Drug Of The Times”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

The head of Amsterdam’s health service wants to see sugar become a substance regulated by the government.

“Just like alcohol and tobacco, sugar is actually a drug. There is an important role for government. The use of sugar should be discouraged. And users should be made aware of the dangers,” Paul van der Velpen wrote on the government’s official public health website.

“Whoever uses sugar wants more and more, even when they are no longer hungry. Give someone eggs and he’ll stop eating at any given time. Give him cookies and he eats on even though his stomach is painful.”

He called for the government to require warnings placed on sweets and soft drinks in the same manner used for cigarettes. Schools would be prohibited from selling sweets and soft drinks.

“Sugar is actually a form of addiction,” van der Velpen wrote. “It’s just as hard to get rid of the urge for sweet foods as of smoking. Thereby diets only work temporarily. Addiction therapy is better.”

2 thoughts on ““Sugar Is The Most Dangerous Drug Of The Times”

  1. Since diabetes is on such a rise and predicted to break the health care system due to the cost of treatment. It would help to lable it a drug. It would be a great thing for schools to train children on the risks. There are many gifts in the comming generations and the enemy will use all he can to destroy those gifts.

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