Teacher Takes 2nd Grader’s Bible During Reading Time

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A Texas second grader was humiliated in front of her classmates when a teacher took away her Bible during reading time and told her that the Bible is inappropriate reading material.

The girl was reading the Bible during a “read to myself” session in class.

The family has asked the Liberty Institute to represent them as they deal with the school.  A spokesman for L.I. said it’s ironic the teacher took the child’s Bible as the library at Hamilton Elementary contains copies of the Bible.

“So if it’s appropriate for their own library, why on Earth would it not be appropriate for their own students,” Michael Berry, senior counsel with the Liberty Institute, said to KHOU-TV.

The school district released a statement saying that during the student’s “independent reading time” that kids are required to read a book that is “just right,” meaning that most of the kids can understand the words.

6 thoughts on “Teacher Takes 2nd Grader’s Bible During Reading Time

  1. Children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the wound is his reward. It is that they put a mile stone around their neck than for them to hurt one of God’s little ones

  2. Shame on that teacher. Maybe she needs to look back on history when the only reading material children had to LEARN how to read was the holy scriptures. What a sad state of affairs.

  3. Our daughter learned to read before the 1st grade by watching the Electric Company. In the first grade she was reading a National Geographic magazine. The teacher accused her of just looking at the pictures. Then she had her read a paragraph. The teacher was so amazed that she took our daughter and the National Geographic magazine to the principal’s office so she could read to him. The principal’s comment was “What are we going to teach her?”

  4. I heard that the next day many students brought their Bibles, exposing them while walking in the hallways. Not sure if they carried their Bibles into classrooms, but I think they did as a means of protesting. Picture of 4 or 5 girls holding their Bibles.

  5. The irony of this whole scenario is that over in Russia right now the schools are allowing people to come into the schools and give away free Bibles to the kids with no interference. People there are
    hungry for the word of God and there seems to be no need to smuggle them in any longer. Would
    you have ever thought this day would come? Meanwhile in the not too distant future I see guards
    searching our children’s bookbags looking for Bibles and confiscating them on the spot. You just
    wait and see if they don’t. It is just the natural progression of the way things are now. We are on a
    downhill slide that is picking up speed with everyday that passes.

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