Teens Fight Back Against Anti-Christian Bullies

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

After an Idaho public school teacher told Christian students that they could make no references to God in an assigned paper called “I Believe”, students began to ask questions about why they were prohibited from sharing their beliefs.  The questions led to a video and program aimed at ending bullying of Christian students in public schools.

The students spurred the creation of Reach America, an organization based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  The group is comprised of students from across the area.

“There is a lot of bullying directed at Christian kids in public schools at the culture at large,” Gary Brown, founder of Reach America, told FoxNews.  “So many teenagers are being ostracized for being a Christian.”

“People who do not love God have stolen our country,” one of the students states in the video.  “[We want to] make America one nation under God, again.”

Anti-Christian bullying of students has been on the rise in recent years and even “anti-bullying” speakers endorsed by the Obama administration has been caught bullying Christian students in public.  Last April Dan Savage, anti-Christian activist called an “anti-bullying” expert by the White House, heckled students who refused to sit and listen to him blaspheme God and the Bible and then bragged about attacking the Christian student’s beliefs.

Brown said that students are motivated to create a “Christ-Centered Counter Culture.”

“They think they are in a war for the heart and soul of the nation,” Brown said.

One thought on “Teens Fight Back Against Anti-Christian Bullies

  1. This was very touching and inspirational. I guess if adults won’t stand up, the next generation will have to. God will use the teenagers. They are right our Country has been stolen by people that hate God, but we are still the majority, let’s speak up. We need to be more united or the U.S.A will decay. If you can’t do too much at least pray for these kids that are doing it. Young people study and get Degrees and don’t loose your faith in the University, become Professors some of you. Love God, he loves you.

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