Terrorists Attack Christians Leaving Wedding In Cairo Suburb

John 16:2 Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

Masked gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire outside a church in a Cairo suburb on Sunday killing at least three people including an 8 year old child.

The terrorists reportedly shot randomly at the guests exiting the church and did not appear to be attempting to discern between Christians and other wedding guests.

A Coptic priest at the wedding told Reuters that he was inside the church when the gunfire began but rushed outside to find a dead man, a dead woman and many wounded wedding guests laying around the front of the church building.

Coptic Christians make up around ten percent of Egypt’s population and had been living in peace with the majority Muslims in the country for years. However, the Muslim Brotherhood told supporters that the Christians were behind the removal of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on July 3rd and called for retaliation.

Analysts in the region say the violence against Christians in Egypt since the removal of Morsi and the government disbanding of Muslim Brotherhood protest camps on August 14th is unprecedented.

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