Texas School District Covers God In Duct Tape To Please Anti-Christianists

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A Texas school district has covered two plaques dedicating the school and its students to the Lord because of an anti-Christian group’s threat.

The Midlothian Independent School District confirmed plaques at Mountain Peak Elementary School and Longbranch Elementary School because of the threats of anti-Christian group Freedom From Religion Foundation.

The plaques read: “Dedicated in the year of our Lord 1997 to the education of god’s children and their faithful teachers in the name of the Holy Christian Church.”  The plaques also contain the phrase “Soli Deo Gloria” which means “Glory To God Alone.”

“It should go without saying that a public elementary school may not proclaim ‘glory to God alone’ nor dedicated itself to a particular church,” FFRF said in a statement.  “We do applaud the school district for taking swift action to correct this Constitutional action.”

“Although MISD has not been threatened with a lawsuit,” Superintendent Jerome Stewart told Fox News’ Todd Starnes, “the school district’s attorney advised that it would not prevail in court if it refused FFRF’s request and a lawsuit followed.”

3 thoughts on “Texas School District Covers God In Duct Tape To Please Anti-Christianists

  1. We all, both adults and children need to stop bowing to the ridiculous demands of atheists or whoever says no praying, no nativity scenes, no mentioning of Jesus. There is no law against it. Refuse to conform to such demands. There are more of us than there is of them.

  2. Please tell us and help us to know how to band together to help stop this. Christians we need to some how stand for our children and grandchildren rights to have God in our schools. Being silent is allowing the anti-Christ spirit to continue. We can’t rely on the supreme court anymore. Voters get over turned. Any suggestions?

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