Three Muslim Women Killed For Laughing

A mother and her two daughters, one only 17, were killed by the woman’s stepson after he saw a video of the daughters laughing on the front porch of their home.

The stepson considered it to be a violation of the family’s honor to have the two young women laughing with small children outside the home. The killer belongs to a sect of Islam where women are not allowed to be seen anywhere except by male relatives.

The BBC found mobile phone footage of the women smiling and laughing in the rain outside the family home with young girls. Apparently an audio recording was also found where one of the young women accepted a gift from an admirer.

The killings came in the same region where last year five young women and two men were brutally murdered after a video was found of them singing and dancing at a wedding.

Human rights advocates say that at least 900 women are killed a year in that region in Muslim “honor killings”.


One thought on “Three Muslim Women Killed For Laughing

  1. THis breaks my heart as I too like Lori have such a passion to help hurting women. Please tell her we still meet for prayer at my home in Phoenix and we are standing in faith for her friend Denise.
    We must cry out for mercy and behalf of those who have no VOICE! Thank you for reporting!

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