Trudeau defends move to give U.S. agents more powers in Canada

Canada's Prime Minister Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 14, 2017. REUTERS/Chris Wattie

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday defended plans to give more powers to U.S. border agents stationed in Canada, saying travelers would at all times be protected by domestic laws.

As part of a 2015 deal between Canada and the United States, Trudeau’s government has introduced draft legislation allowing U.S. border agents based in Canada more leeway to question and search people wishing to enter the United States.

Critics say this increases the chance of abuse at a time when the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is cracking down on immigrants, prompting dozens of people to cross the border into Canada every week.

“Canadian laws are in place, so there is extra protection when Canadians go through American customs in Canada,” Trudeau told reporters.

U.S. border agents have been working in Canada since the 1950s, pre-clearing would-be visitors and addressing potential security threats. The agents are currently based at eight Canadian airports and under the 2015 deal, the program will be expanded to two more airports as well as Montreal train station.

Travelers who change their minds and decide not to enter the United States are currently allowed to leave. The new law permits U.S. agents to question and if need be strip search people seeking not to enter the United States.

Officials say the new tougher provisions are needed to deter militants probing for weaknesses at U.S.-operated border facilities.

Trudeau is under pressure in Parliament from the left-leaning opposition New Democrats, who say U.S. border guards are already racially profiling Canadians who wish to enter the United States.

“What will the government do to secure clear assurances for Canadians who wish to cross the border? When will the Prime Minister stand up for Canadians … will he stand up to the bully?” asked Jenny Kwan, the party’s spokeswoman for immigration, referring to Trump.

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Alistair Bell)

2 thoughts on “Trudeau defends move to give U.S. agents more powers in Canada

  1. I am in total agreement. Canadians are also blinded to the the corporate news media, controlling what we hear, and do not hear. Trudeau is a clone of Obama, who has a very dark agenda, and not yet going away, Mr Trudeau is gloating that he is part of the BIG BOYS CLUB, but he is no match. He is in the back pocket of George Soros, and Kissinger, part of the GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER”, make no mistake, they do not respect him, he is just their puppet, helping to bring down, yet another country. Mr Trudeau needs to spend time on the street corners of TO. and listen to the people he is supporting, with their chaotic rhetoric of hate for Canadian law, and their smug, arrogant chants, that Sharia Law will take over the world. They are trying to get the right to marry child brides. They all say they would rather live in their own countries. They have no plan to assimilate, only to take over. OPEN YOUR EYES. Know that lying is acceptable in their belief, it is the means justifies the end. They have one agenda. REMEMBER in the take over of Nazism. Moaism, Marxism, Stalinism, the majority were irrelevant. It was the radical minorities, that won. So the rhetoric of “good muslims” is IRRELEVANT. My hope is in PSALM 2, that reads, God looks, at the kings of the earth, and laughs, He has put them in derision, and (my add on) they think they are in control, but HE shall and will have the final say, And keep in mind HIS day of reckoning is just around the corner. There are only two realms, that are in control, GOOD, and EVIL. Wake up and choose this day” WHOM YOU WILL SERVE” the final curtain is about to fall, but not before we fall to the sword of ISLAM. THIS IS NOT A FAIRY TALE, All of this is spoken of and prophesied in the word of GOD, in the bible. All the countries are spoken of. We choose to remain in ignorance because of our fears. But make no mistake, the fear created by ignorance of choosing not to know will visit your doorstep.FOR THE SAKE OF OUR VOICELESS CHILDREN CANADA, WAKE UP

  2. Prime Minister Trudeau should always respect President Trump and be in accord because President Trump is the right President elected. I’m Canadian but certainly not like those crazy women who came to Florida to speak up against Elect President Trump. Jenny Kwan you are stirring division with the USA our neibours and you will fail. I’m extremely happy that Donald Trump was elected President of the USA.

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