U.S. Army Briefing Calls Christian Ministries “Domestic Hate Groups”

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

An Army briefing at Camp Shelby in Mississippi listed the American Family Association alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam according to a report from FoxNews.

A soldier who attended the briefing contacted Fox News about his concerns that the military was classifying Christian ministries as “hate groups”.

“I had to show Americans what our soldiers are now being taught,” the solider told FoxNews. “I couldn’t just let this one pass.”

The soldier’s identity was kept confidential by FoxNews to avoid retaliation for releasing the information that Army training is classifying Christian ministries as hate groups. The soldier also said that a chaplain interrupted the briefing to challenge the presenter on his assertions but that other soldiers remained silent.

The report of the briefing comes months after other Army officials were exposed telling troops that evangelical Christians and Catholics were religious extremists.

In an e-mail forwarded to FoxNews, another officer told other officers to pay attention to troops who support groups like the American Family Association and the Family Research Council saying those groups do not “share our Army Values.”

“When we see behaviors that are inconsistent with Army Values – don’t just walk by – do the right thing and address the concern before it becomes a problem,” the officer wrote to subordinates.

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