U.S. Officially Admits Having Cyberweapons

Luke 21:9-10: [Jesus said] "When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."

The U.S. Air Force has officially designated six cyberweapons meaning that cyberwar now has codified definition.

The move was meant to give the Air Force Space Command, which controls satellite and cyberspace for the military, an opportunity to fight for additional funding in the budget. However, critics say the move could open up waves of problems for the government and private businesses.

U.S. intelligence officials warned last month that cyber attacks have passed terrorism as the greatest threat to the nation. Cyber attacks from China, Russia and Iran have caused problems with financial systems and threatened utility infrastructure.

Lieutenant General John Hyten told Reuters that the Air Force plans to add about 1,200 people to the cyber workforce.

Hyten also said they are looking for ways to link cyberweapons to conventional weapons to allow for multiple attacks on military targets.

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