UN: “Thousands Will Be Massacred”

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The United Nations is saying that unless action is taken to stop the Islamic terrorist group ISIS from overtaking the city of Kobani, “thousands will most likely be massacred.”

UN envoy Staffan de Mistura says that Kobani is on the verge of suffering the fate of the Bosnian town of Srebrenica where 8,000 were killed by Serbs in 1995.

“If this falls, the 700, plus perhaps the 12,000 people, apart from the fighters, will be most likely massacred,” de Mistura said. The United Nations believes 700 mainly elderly civilians are trapped in the town itself and 12,000 have left the center but not made it across the border into Turkey.”

“Do you remember Srebrenica? We do. We never forgot and probably we never forgave ourselves.  When there is an imminent threat to civilians, we cannot, we should not, be silent.”

The threat of the massacres of Kurds in the city is causing problem in Turkey, where Turkish Kurds are rising up against the government for their not stepping in to help stop the killing of their kin.

8 thoughts on “UN: “Thousands Will Be Massacred”

  1. many in my family believe that we have hundreds of years left, we’re not in the end times. They cannot see the signs, they will not listen and they are all born-again. The truth is here all around us, but they can’t see. In fact they’ve taken me off their FB so they don’t have to look at my warnings, and God’s truths anymore. Please pray for the Anderson clan out here in the pacific northwest. Thanks!

  2. I agree with you and Gods Word Lynn Brady. The luke warm church is not getting it. And I doubt they will. Its all about hot dogs, going here and there. Fun, fun,fun!!! Lets get real, and serve God, not ourselves.

  3. Amazingly many of the churches in the US preach that we will pre-tribulation out of here before any of these things harm us and our families…as if we are more valuable than these precious Christians who are experiencing their own horrible tribulation, worse than anyone could ever imagine. Read Matthew 24 just to start!

  4. Hi guys! Heard Dr. Forstchen talk about ISIS shooting parents coming to get their kids. I’ve heard of traps being laid to take out first-responders to a crisis. Just after Ferguson finally died down some, there was an incident where someone on northside of St. Louis was shot on street for no reason in area where this usu. doesn’t happen. Next, a man was shot leaving work at a manufacturing plant nearby-no reason. Then, a person driving to N County on I-70 during evening rush,was shot in their car driving down highway. All in same few block radius. From someone off highway, training a weapon at moving cars. Again, no reason. It’s as if they were practicing for what’s to come. No one ever arrested for this. Heard later that “a Muslim” with radical ties, was arrested during some of the Ferguson looting. Sound familiar? All of the violence is restarting here. South St. Louis (where I grew up) had another black young man shoot at the police, then, in exchanging fire, he was shot and killed. Now the riots are starting there. We’ve NEVER HAD BEHAVIOR like this ever. Have to believe it’s the demonic spirits just taking over!! And we wonder how ISIS can be so brutal? It is truly the end times!! Grace/peace to you all!! Keep up the good work of Christ! Love, Carol

  5. Jim, we MUST stress the heavenly truths and the supernatural news above all, or many believers will most likely be overcome by trauma. The most important thing is to keep our minds and our WORDS on the heavenly matters. And that is NOT the same thing as “happy church”.

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