Vandal Destroys Pro-Life Display At Ohio State

In the latest incident of violence against pro-life students on college campuses, an enraged woman attacked a student group protesting at Ohio State.

The woman was caught on video destroying the displays installed by pro-life group Created Equal. The display included images of aborted babies.

“If you want to keep paying taxes for babies that are born to crack heads? You really want that? You really want a population that was born on drugs – born on welfare?” the woman screamed as she stomped on signs and ripped them apart.

“We’ve never had anyone go to the extent of this type of vandalism,” Mark Harrington of Created Equal told Fox News.

Another student group faced a similar situation at DePaul University recently that was also caught on surveillance cameras.

One thought on “Vandal Destroys Pro-Life Display At Ohio State

  1. While the behavior of some parents may be iresponsible, that is no reason to kill unborn babies or to supress freedom of speech.

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