Volcano Monitors Proposed For Mount Hood

Joel 2:30 "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke.

It may be “sleeping”, but scientists say the volcano within Mount Hood in Oregon is a giant that’s just waiting to wake up.

Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey want to place four volcano monitoring stations on the mountain.  The stations would be unmanned, take only 105 square feet of space and be painted in a way to blend in with the surrounding environment.

“Seismic, GPS and volcanic gas data collected from the stations would be used as the basis for public communications and early warnings, to ensure the safety of adjacent communities as well as recreationists using the Wilderness and Forest,” Mt. Hood National Forest said in a statement.

Mount Hood was placed on a list of very high threat volcanoes on the 2005 National Volcanic Early Warning Systems list.

The volcano is considered active although it has not erupted.  There are frequent earthquakes and it releases steam and volcanic gases near the summit.

2 thoughts on “Volcano Monitors Proposed For Mount Hood

  1. We truly are in the days of Noah and Lot as we see prophecy unfolding before our eyes. Even unbelievers suspect something is going on but they don’t understand the solution as the return of the LORD and tell them why and how to prepare for what’s ahead. Now is the time to repent and get closer t
    o GOD. HE is warning us for what is to come ahead. RED LIGHT warning: YELLOW LIGHT caution
    GREEN LIGHT: go for the salution of the ONE who died just for you: Amen

  2. I must admit I was watching for a volcanic eruption or an earthquake somewhere on March 20. Thankfully it did not happen, but my gut feeling is that something will happen soon.

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