Youth Pastors Banned From Public School For Allegedly Talking About God

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Three Christian youth pastors who were volunteering at a Washington state middle school have been banned from the building after a few parents said they heard students mention the three had been talking about God at lunch.

KIRO-TV reported the Bainbridge Island School District has hired out an outside contractor to investigate the allegations the three volunteer cafeteria supervisors talked about Jesus.

“We can’t ignore this. There are just too many serious issues to consider here,” board president Mike Spence said. “That’s pretty dangerous. It’s a pretty slippery slope I guess I would say.”

Danny Smith, one of the youth pastors, denied the allegations saying that he responds that he’s a youth pastor when students ask what he does for a living.

“I don’t wanna defend myself, I want to defend my motives. It’s not about me, it’s about why I’m there. It’s not for evangelizing and it’s not for proselytizing or recruiting, but it’s just there to be there,” Smith said.

The district will consider allowing the pastors back on campus after the investigation.

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