Dr. Don and Mary Colbert Returning to Morningside

Jim and Lori Bakker have known Dr. Don and Mary Colbert for years and have trusted them with their own health and wellbeing.  On Wednesday November 11th, they are thrilled to have the Colberts return to the Jim Bakker Show.  

For over twenty years, Dr. Colbert has practiced medicine in Central Florida and has been board certified in Family Practice for over 25 years focusing on anti-aging and integrative medicine.

He has ministered health and healing to thousands and is a frequent guest with John Hagee, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland and other Christian leaders. He has also been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, ABC World News, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, BBC, Reader’s Digest, News Week, Prevention Magazine, and many others.

Dr. Colbert is also a New York Times Best Selling Author and has written over 40 books as well as offered seminars and talks on a variety of topics including “How to Improve Your Health” and “The Effects of Stress and How to Overcome It!”

Through his research and walk with God, Dr.Colbert has been given a unique insight that has helped thousands improve their lives.

Taping begins at 11:30 a.m. CT on Grace Street at Morningside!  We would love to see you there!  Or watch us via live feed on Jimbakkershow.com/watch-us-live.