Mother Angelica, EWTN Founder, Passes to Heaven on Easter

Mother Angelica

My heart reflects with such love on a beautiful friend who now serves faithfully at Christ’s feet in heaven. Mother Angelica, founder and leader of the Eternal Word Television Network and a true Woman of God, passed at the age of 92 on Easter day.

Mother Angelica launched EWTN in 1981, and was a remarkable friend who came to PTL often and ministered to thousands. I remember the delight on her face when I built her very first set for television; a powder blue living room with framed paintings of Jesus and the Pope on the walls.

Mother Angelica was the only woman in the history of television to found and lead a cable network for 20 years! Today EWTN transmits 24-hour-a-day programming to more than 264 million homes in 144 countries. What began with approximately 20 employees has now grown to nearly 400. This religious network broadcasts terrestrial and shortwave radio around the world, operates a religious goods catalog and publishes the National Catholic Register and Catholic News Agency, among other publishing ventures.

“We, with our unveiled faces reflecting like mirrors the brightness of the Lord, all grow brighter and brighter as we are turned into the image that we reflect; this is the work of the Lord who is Spirit.” – 2 Corinthians 3:18

Mother Angelica now shines an even brighter light resting in the arms of Jesus. Thank you for your amazing work my friend! I know that it was your faith and your friendship that gave me hope so many times!


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