The Fourth of July celebration at Morningside ended with more than a concert.
It ended with a celebration of the redemptive power of Jesus when Tammy Sue Bakker took the stage for her first concert appearance in eight years!
The evening began with Pastor Jim Bakker taking the stage to welcome the crowd and talk about the joy of a great week at Morningside. He thanked everyone for their faithful attendance to the events and then introduced Pastor Cedric Hayes and the Master’s Choir. Continue reading →
The Holy Spirit wrapped up the first day of the Morningside 4th of July celebration by working through the incredible Marvin Winans.
Marvin Winans brought the message of God, a message of joy and a surprise message of healing to Grace Street tonight.
Pastor Jim, Lori and Marvin spoke about the late Whitney Houston. Marvin shared stories about how Whitney was so close with his family and the impact of that friendship on his family. He spoke of the power of preaching Whitney’s funeral and the way that the Lord worked through everything that happened during that difficult time. Continue reading →
The wilderness campground officially opened this morning as Pastor Jim and a group of friends and campers opened it as well as the brand-new beautiful pool and the stunning shower house by cutting through a log with a chainsaw instead of just snipping a ribbon.
Now your family will be able to have hours of fun in the swimming pool whenever you visit! All we can say is “if this is wilderness, it’s the best decked-out wilderness we’ve ever seen!”
Pastor Jim, Lori and the staff are excited to get the week of Fourth of July celebrations underway with these great new additions to the Morningside landscape!
The loud squeal of metal on metal echoes through the green, lush valley.
The plumes of dust and dirt rise slowly into the sky, reflecting, for just a moment, the blazing Ozarks sun.
The rhythmic hum of engines pulse as the bulldozers position themselves for one more pass along the hillside, carving out a space for the foundation of a home that will provide safety, security and hope for women from all over the world.
Lori’s House is being built! Continue reading →
Last night, the Holy Spirit rained down on those in attendance at a special service led by Pastor Lloyd Zeigler, Bill Mulder and the members of the Master’s Commission team leading the worship.
After a powerful opening of worship that extended much longer than anyone had planned, Pastor Ziegler shared a powerful word about the chains that the enemy places upon us and the significance of Jesus paying the price for us.
“I was in Memphis, Tennessee,” Pastor Ziegler said, Continue reading →
The steel frame for the Old Mill Inn arrived this week!

The Old Mill Inn will be a huge blessing to everyone who comes to Morningside. The lower floor will feature Continue reading →

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn arrives at Morningside tomorrow for special tapings of the Jim Bakker Show and a two day conference. The Rabbi will be teaching and expounding on the Harbinger as well and discussing other Harbingers not included in the book.
The free conference will be happening on Grace Street as well as the tapings of the Jim Bakker Show. The crew of Morningside started their day cleaning the Street, placing many more tables and chairs than you would usually see on Grace Street along with additional seating beside the Morningside Band stage. (It’s your chance to get up close and personal with the band!) Continue reading →
Morningside was recently featured in the Business Spotlight article of the local Branson Tri-Lakes Newspaper:
Morningside is more than meets the eye!
Morningside may be best-known as the studio where “The Jim Bakker Show” is recorded, but all it takes is one visit to realize it’s much more than that.
Morningside features numerous condos, which can be rented for a night or purchased as a new home, a chapel, general store, restaurant and even a beauty salon.
In fact, the Morningside General Store recently expanded the hours it’s open — to all of the time. Continue reading →
James 1:27 says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”
On Monday September 26, Morningside hosted its monthly Widows Luncheon. The Widows Luncheon is an outreach of Morningside Church to the widows and widowers of our community. Those who attend are treated to lunch, provided by Morningside’s Fireside Cafe, followed by singing and fellowship. Continue reading →

The Stone County Volunteer Firemen were honored at a special banquet dinner given by the Morningside community on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. Units 4 and 12 of Blue Eye and Units 3 and 15 of Lampe were in attendance. Continue reading →