Abortion and Planned Parenthood were two of the hot topics during the two Republican presidential primary debates held Thursday in Cleveland.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was asked about gaining support for President while supporting things like a Constitutional amendment banning abortion.
“I disagree with the idea that the real issue is a constitutional amendment. That’s a long and difficult process. I’ve actually taken the position that’s bolder than that,” Huckabee said. “A lot of people are talking about defunding Planned Parenthood, as if that’s a huge game changer. I think it’s time to do something even more bold. I think the next president ought to invoke the Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, now that we clearly know that that baby inside the mother’s womb is a person at the moment of conception.”
“The reason we know that it is because of the DNA schedule that we now have clear scientific evidence on,” Huckabee continued. “And, this notion that we just continue to ignore the personhood of the individual is a violation of that unborn child’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights for due process and equal protection under the law.”
Florida Senator Marco Rubio made comments very similar to those of Huckabee in saying that he is pro-life in all situations and that laws need to protect life at all stages.
“In fact, I think that law already exists. It is called the Constitution of the United States,” the 44-year-old Rubio said. “And let me go further. I believe that every single human being is entitled to the protection of our laws, whether they can vote or not. Whether they can speak or not. Whether they can hire a lawyer or not. Whether they have a birth certificate or not.”
Rubio also said that future generations will be appalled by abortion, adding they will “call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we never gave them a chance to live.”
When the topic of Planned Parenthood and the recent undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress that show the selling of parts from aborted babies, both former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker talked about how they defunded the group in their states.
“I’m pro-life, I’ve always been pro-life, and I’ve got a position that I think is consistent with many Americans out there in that I believe that is an unborn child that’s in need of protection,” Walker said.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was very blunt in his comments about Planned Parenthood.
“Planned Parenthood had better hope that Hillary Clinton wins this election because I guarantee that under President Jindal, January of 2017, the Department of Justice, and the IRS, and everybody else will be consenting, and the federal government will be going into Planned Parenthood,” Jindal asserted. “This is absolutely disgusting and revolts of conscience of the nation. Absolutely, we need to defund Planned Parenthood.”