The Comeback Center

My friend and colleague, Dan Betzer, lovingly calls me the “Comeback Kid.” He does this because virtually everyone in the Christian community, save a precious few, had counted me out when I went to prison back in 1989. But God didn’t count me out – He counted me in! And Dan was one of the few friends who didn’t count me out either – he stood closer than a brother.

So, the comeback that I have had in ministry for the Lord is so that others can be encouraged when they have had a setback. I tell people every day “if I can make it, anybody can make it.” And, as another close friend, Bishop Ronnie Webb says, “if you’ve had a setback, get ready for a comeback!” Jesus will use the weak and the downtrodden! (Hebrews 12:1) Bishop Webb also likes to say “don’t quit right before your breakthrough. Right before your breakthrough, there’s a breakdown.” No truer words were ever said!

We need encouragers in the Body of Christ. The power of life and death are in the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) People have the power to speak life to you, or death… but God is all about life. The prophetic word of encouragement is always about life; life to your vision, life to your spiritual gifts, and life to your ministry and mission.

We are just getting started here at Morningside as a “Comeback Center” for people who have been beaten and bruised. You don’t get disqualified in God’s race! You can come back! That’s why Jesus died for us!

I remember calling out to God in prison and saying “never in my life have I ever had a desire to hurt anybody! How could I be here (in prison) for building something to bless people?” The answer was quick: Jesus said, “they killed me!”

Until we are willing to know Jesus, not just in His resurrection, but in the fellowship of His suffering, we can never minister the resurrection! (Philippians 3:10)

Lori tells of a time when she felt forgotten by God. God sent a prophet to prophesy to her that “God has not forgotten you!” Do you think He cares about us? Do you think He knows what we’re feeling? Many of you know my signoff phrase “God loves you, He really does!” But not many know that this phrase came from a time of ministry to a woman who was told she had sinned so bad that she couldn’t be saved. The prophetic word that God loved her broke the back of that lie and she was delivered!

YOU have not sinned so badly that God can’t forgive you! I didn’t – Lori didn’t – this precious lady didn’t – and YOU didn’t either!

God is close to the brokenhearted. You can come back! Come back today – He is calling you and He will not turn you away. He is waiting with open arms for you to come back to Him – and you will not be disqualified by anything in your past.

And when you come back, remember that there’s a “Comeback Center” in Blue Eye, Missouri called Morningside that will welcome you home!

