U.S. To Hold Peace Talks With Terrorists

United States officials have confirmed they will be holding peace talks with Islamic terrorist group The Taliban.

The first meeting will take place in Doha, Qatar. The Taliban have opened their “official” overseas office in Qatar. Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai says his government will also send officials to negotiate peace with the terrorists. Continue reading

Drone Strikes Kills Taliban Second-In-Command

A U.S. drone strike is suspected to be the cause of death for the Pakistani Taliban’s second-in-command according to the BBC.

A senior Taliban official told the BBC that Waliur Rehman was killed when missiles destroyed a home near Miranshah in the northwest part of the country. The Pakistani Taliban had originally claimed only a local commander was killed but senior sources have contradicted the initial reports. Continue reading

Seven NATO Troops Killed In Afghanistan

afghanistanSeven NATO forces have died in two attacks over the weekend according to a NATO spokesman.

The deaths come as the Taliban has announced their “spring offensive” against in an attempt to undermine the current Afghani government as NATO begins to remove troops.  The Afghani military is expected to be given total control in 2014.

About 100,000 troops are still in the country. Continue reading

Taliban Conducts Summary Amputations As It Enforces Sharia Law

With the deadline for American and allied troops to leave Afghanistan a year away, reports from the Herat province show the Taliban is reinstituting a brutal form of Sharia Law.

In mid-March, two men were kidnapped by Taliban fighters and taken to a base where they were held for 27 days without explanation. On the morning of the 28th day, the men were taken to a room where their hand and foot were cut off with no explanation. Continue reading

Taliban Warns of Terrorism Offensive

The Taliban announced they are beginning an offensive against what they call “foreign transgressors” and those who are working against them in Afghanistan. The terrorist organization is promising their “spring offensive” will be “monumental.”

“We once again call on all the officials and workers of the stooge Karzai regime to break away from this decaying administration in order to conform to Islamic commands, national interests and protection of yourselves, and to choose a life of prosperity living alongside your own people in an atmosphere of peace and security,” the Taliban said in its statement. Continue reading