Islamic Extremists Teaching Kidnapped Boys To “Behead Others For Allah”

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

A new CNN report shows that Islamic extremists are teaching kidnapped boys how to behead others “for the sake of God.”

CNN spoke to a young man who was able to escape his kidnappers from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the same group that is attempting to overthrow the governments of Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

The young man, called Mohammed, said that he was taken from his school when the terrorists stormed the building.   The first thing they did was remove the female students from the room, saying it was forbidden for the young men to be in the same room with them.  The terrorists then forced the boys into a truck and drove them into the desert.

“We were all so scared. On the way back, we were celebrating that we had finished our tests. We were excited to go home and see our families. We didn’t know why they took us,” Mohammed told CNN.

The terrorists then forced the children to watch videos of beheadings and were given instructions on how to kill prisoners by cutting off their heads.  They were also trained in other methods of urban combat as if they were being prepared for the Iraq insurgency.

Mohammed escaped with other boys when classmates created a diversion.

“I was so happy when I got home. My mother had no idea that I had escaped. I was so excited to see her,” Mohammed said.

ISIS terrorists have told residents of the area there is now a bounty on Mohammed’s head.

2 thoughts on “Islamic Extremists Teaching Kidnapped Boys To “Behead Others For Allah”

  1. When we read in Revelation about beheading we thought this couldn’t happen today but here the Devil has taken over thousands of people as his religious slaves of Islam to do his evil work throughout the world in the name of allah, (a moon god) nce worshipped by Bedouins in the Arabian Desert.

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