Lava Threatens Hawaiian Town

Joel 2:30 "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke.

The lava flow from a Hawaiian volcano is threatening to overtake a town.

The flow from the Kilauea volcano, which has been continuously erupting since 1983, has crossed the border of the community of Pahoa.  The flow covered the town’s cemetery over the weekend and is steadily progressing toward homes.

“The flow continues to remain active and has advanced approximately 275 yards since yesterday morning,” government officials reported Monday morning.

The Associated Press says the lava flow has been slowly moving toward the town for the last two years.  The governor has asked for a Presidential disaster declaration to make federal money available for evacuation and relocation of the town’s residents.

“The effect of the destruction and/or isolation of the businesses and other institutions in Pahoa will be devastating to the entire Puna District,” the governor wrote in his request, according to West Hawaii Today.

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