Lava Projects To Cut Pahoa In Half

Joel 2:30 "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke.

As the lava flow from Kilauea continues to progress into the town of Pahoa, city officials are being informed by scientists that it’s likely the town will be cut in half if the lava continues its current path.

The flow is expected to reach Pahoa Village Road late Wednesday, cutting off one of the two major roadways where residents can escape the lava flow.  The second road, Highway 130, is only half a mile from the Pahoa Village Road.

Officials say they are resisting mandatory evacuation orders despite the lava igniting a tire fire at a dump in the flow path.  The toxic smoke from the fire is reportedly blowing away from residential areas.

Matt Patrick of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory says the flow is moving erratically and is causing problems for forecasters trying to predict path and speed.

The lava’s pace had picked up when it reached a gully.  The flow could then move like rain in a gutter.

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