BOOM! There It Is! – The Journey Continues

It had not even been a year yet since I was saved and God was doing quick work!  I had spent my summer devoted to finding the path and following the calling that God was bringing into my life.  And now it was my senior year of high school.   I knew that God had called me to Christian television and media.  I had no idea what that was going to look like. My mind was incredibly busy with trying to set things up, finding the next step.  God hadn’t given me particular answers quite yet so I was going to try to fill the empty holes with answers the best way I knew how.

I knew that God had called me to be a part of revolutionizing Christian television and Christian media for this generation.  But there were certain things I didn’t know.  I didn’t know the logistics of how it was that this was going to come about.  I decided I was going to go to a Christian college and get my pastoral license and I would take a lot of classes in media and television as well.  That seemed to me to be the most logical thing I could possibly do. READ MORE

Thank You BoJangles

Matthew 5:4 ESV “Blessed are those, who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

As I’ve said before, I believe dogs are specially created by our Heavenly Father to remind us how much God loves us, even in our darkest times. They truly are God’s Little Helpers. However, like every living creature on this Earth, God recently called one of His helpers home. READ MORE

Journey to Morningside Part 2 – And The Word is Media

There I was, the summer before my senior year in High school.  I had only been saved for a few months and I was so on fire that I was joining every church camp I could either attend or be a part of as a member of the camping staff.  During my time as a counselor for the youth camp, I had been spending some private with Jesus in my cabin just asking God for guidance on a couple of matters that were heavy on my heart.  The first concerned my infatuation with an awesome girl that the Lord basically told me not to pursue which was so confusing to me because I thought she would make a great wife!  The second issue on my heart was regarding a passion of mine I hadn’t told my Mom or Dad or even closest friends.  Nobody knew about the calling I kept feeling in my heart.  The passion that I felt was ignited inside of me. READ MORE

Be in Command On Being Prepared

How many years have we been talking about preparing?  As the days grow more and more urgent, Lori and I have been stepping up on our preparations, looking for what we may be missing and stocking up on necessities for our family.

In Lori’s last blog she talked about all of the items you need for your car in case of emergencies.  Please understand that this is not just talk.  We DO practice what we preach!  We have spent years gathering information for our family and for you. Over a decade ago God asked me to help prepare you.  He told me that Morningside would be a place for the prophets to come and speak out about what is happening in our world!  We know we are living in the last days, we have studied the prophecies in the bible together and we all know that, like Joseph, we must prepare for what is to come!   READ MORE

Be Prepared Wherever You Go – What to Keep In Your Car

Proverbs 22:3 (NCV) The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get into trouble.

For the next couple of weeks, both Jim and I have decided to focus; really focus on being prepared for emergency situations. As you probably already know, I am someone that likes to be prepared for anything.  My family has teased me about it for years but guess who they come to when we are traveling and they need something that only I anticipated to pack?  For me, the security in knowing that my family is prepared for the unexpected is worth a little extra thought and just a little time.    READ MORE

Journey to Morningside

Sometimes the answer is NO

Let’s begin this journey to Morningside with the question that many have asked me, “How did God call you to Media?”  I had gotten radically saved in high school…evangelizing every Saturday with my buddies, people were getting saved all over the place, even at my school. The Holy Spirit’s fire was with us wherever we were. I wanted to spread the Word of Jesus Christ more and more! READ MORE

Learn to Love the Journey

I am constantly asked how I got to where I am today.  How did you get to Morningside?  How did you become the co-host of an internationally syndicated television program at 24 years old? Was it easy?  Did it happen overnight?  I want to say a resounding NO.  It did not happen overnight. Of the stories you have heard so far I feel like I have lived a pretty supernatural life.  I have always been sensitive to the supernatural realm and I listen to the Holy Spirit inside of me.  If He tells me to do something, I do it. READ MORE

Happy Mother’s Day To Our Mom…Lori Bakker

Proverbs 31:28, 29 (NIV) 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

Dear Mom,

Years ago, God fulfilled a dream for all of us by bringing you into our lives!  You have always gone above and beyond as a mother and have never wavered for what God wanted for us. We know it has been hard for you sometimes.  You have held our hands when we were hurting, and rejoiced when we were happy. We appreciate so much how you have always strived to do your best as well as knowing when to be loving and when to be firm.   You never compromised when you knew what you felt was the right thing to do and stood strong through every struggle, always ready to share your wisdom.  When we have struggled, it has been your prayers that lifted us up and helped us move forward.  Most important of all, you have loved us, each of us…unconditionally. In so many ways you have shown us how special we are to your heart. READ MORE

Walking in His Words & Warnings

Riots…earthquakes…drought; and that was just last week!  I have been preaching preparedness for a very long time.  I have studied; I have prayed and what the Lord keeps telling me is that we ARE in the last days.  You really don’t have to take my word for it.  Just look at the news every day and then read God’s Words!  We are walking in the Words and Warnings of the Lord.  NOW is the time. READ MORE

The Expected Unexpected

On Monday morning, April 27th, the people of Baltimore woke to a normal Monday morning.  There was tension in the air from the recent demonstrations that the city had been experiencing. But most families, I would imagine, were not thinking about riots and looting or fires and destruction.  People woke up, had their breakfast, got their children to school and went to work.  Most were not prepared for what was to come. READ MORE