90 Percent of Iraq’s Orthodox Christians Displaced

John 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

Nine out of ten Orthodox Christians in Iraq have been displaced by the terrorist group ISIS.

Ghattas Hazim, the Greek Orthodox Bishop for Baghdad, says he fears for the future of Christianity in Iraq and the surrounding region because of the terrorists.  He says that of 600 Orthodox families remain in Baghdad because of fears the terrorists will take over the nation’s capital.

He said the only Christians left in Mosul are the ones who can afford to pay the “tax” levied on them by the terrorists or who are too ill or infirm to flee.

Hazim said that western nations, despite saying they are working to help the Christians displaced by the terrorists, have done nothing to help them.

“It is not true that the West is facilitating the emigration of Christians,” Hazim told The Christian Post. “I know many Christians and Orthodox in particular who went to embassies and did not get visas. Others resorted to the United Nations and other international organizations in order to emigrate and it did not work out.”

Hazim vowed to stay in Baghdad to keep the Word of God alive in the city no matter what may happen with the terrorists.

“I will carry the word of God to my parish in Baghdad and Kuwait: Fear not, little flock, for I am with you,” Hazim said. “If they persecute you, remember that they persecuted me before you. We will not fear, because this is not the first time in history that this has happened. We will stay, as long as faith remains and as long as our God exists, we will remain present.”

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