A Powerful Outpouring On Grace Street

Last night, the Holy Spirit rained down on those in attendance at a special service led by Pastor Lloyd Zeigler, Bill Mulder and the members of the Master’s Commission team leading the worship.

After a powerful opening of worship that extended much longer than anyone had planned, Pastor Ziegler shared a powerful word about the chains that the enemy places upon us and the significance of Jesus paying the price for us.

“I was in Memphis, Tennessee,” Pastor Ziegler said, “and a friend showed me an auctioning block, a monument that was created around a block where slaves were sold. As I stood there and looked at it, my friend, who was African American, smiled and told me something significant about that block.”

“Z,” my friend told me, ”whenever they sold the slave they would take off the chain because whoever bought the slave got the slave without the chain,” Pastor Ziegler shared. “You were ransomed by Jesus. He paid the price for you so that your chains would be taken off because Christ now owns you. And when He paid for you, the enemy had to unlock the chain. He didn’t break it. He made the enemy loose the chains they had around you and let them fall to the ground!”

Over the next few hours, everyone in attendance had prophetic words from the Lord rain down upon them. Many were moved to tears as God’s love and grace powerfully moved throughout Grace Street.

“Morningside is a place where grace takes away chains,” Pastor Ziegler said. “Cry out ‘Ransom me, God!’ and He will order the chains that are on you to be released!”

Tonight, on Grace Street, you could almost hear the chains that had been released from those who accepted that word.


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