Anti-Christianists Attack Christian History Teacher For “Preaching”

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Two anti-Christian organizations have singled out a professor at Georgia Southern University, claiming that he is “preaching” in his classroom.

The virulent anti-Christian group Freedom from Religion Foundation and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science sent a letter to the president of the university stating that Professor Emerson Tom McMullen promotes religion.

“McMullen appears to use at least some of his class to preach religion instead of teach history,” the letter reads. “Our reports and information indicate that McMullen (1) is known for injecting religion into his classes, (2) gives extra credit to students willing to endure and describe additional proselytizing, and (3) uses his position at a public university to promote religious beliefs like creationism, while undermining legitimate sciences, like biology.”

The groups hate the fact that McMullen speaks positively about Christianity.

“McMullen not only lowers the reputation and standards of this university, but has created serious constitutional problems,” the groups wrote. “As a public university, GSU is subject to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which separates state and church. … Creationism cannot be taught as scientific fact in public schools.”

McMullen has an “A” rating from his students and no students had complained about the professor.  The University said it is investigating the 24-year veteran teacher because of the anti-Christians targeting him.

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