Bill Nye Publishes Anti-Christian Creation Book

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Bill Nye, the atheist scientist who attacked Pastor Ken Ham and his beliefs as “bad for humankind” has published a book that mocks Christianity and had stated he has a goal to keep children from being taught the truth of creation from the Bible.

Nye has written a book called “Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation” where he claims to outline “scientific proofs” for the theory of evolution.

He even mocks Christianity by saying evolution is “the most meaningful creation story that humans have ever found.”

Nye even told the New York Times that he wants to get his book into the hands of young children to keep them from being brainwashed by Chrsitians.

“My biggest concern about creationist kids is that they’re compelled to suppress their common sense, to suppress their critical thinking skills at a time in human history when we need them more than ever,” he asserted. “By the time you’re 18, you’ve made up your mind. … But if you’re 7 or 8, we got a shot.”

Creationist Ken Ham reviewed Nye’s book and says Nye dismisses anything that does not agree with him.

“I want to point out that the public would understand science a lot better if evolutionary scientists would stop treating their humanistic, God-denying, worldview-based interpretations of our origins—which no scientist has ever observed or tested—as if they were as reliable as the conclusions drawn from the testable, repeatable processes of observational science,” he stated.

One thought on “Bill Nye Publishes Anti-Christian Creation Book

  1. Why is there so little response from the Christians in the face of mounting anti-Christianism? Well for my part, I still haven’t got over the shock. When you see the scope of this movement, you have to realize that
    this isn’t just happening willy-nilly, no sir, this has been planned and organized years ago and so that is
    why they seem so on top of our every move. I remember watching Christian television after I got saved
    in 1983 and seeing a man on a talk show who predicted what was going to happen and it has all come
    to pass just as he said it would. He explained that this had been planned as far back as WWI. Well, we
    knows that it goes back much farther than that. I can’t help but wonder why the church has been so kept
    in the dark, but I suspect that God informed certain men whom He could trust, but the warnings fell on
    deaf ears; the people would not hear it. Now we are paying for ignoring the Truth. God help us now!

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