FOX News: Kenya mall siege will help terror group recruit in US, say experts

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

The grisly massacre at an upscale Kenyan shopping mall by al-Shabab militants is a “great shot in the arm” to the Al Qaeda-linked group’s efforts to recruit fighters from the West, including the U.S., terror experts tell

At least 62 people have been killed and nearly 200 others were injured in the Saturday attack by al-Shabab, an extremist Islamic group believed to have roughly several thousand fighters, including a few hundred foreigners. Some of those include recruits from Somali communities in the United States and Europe and intelligence analysts said Monday those numbers could grow now that al-Shabab militants have attacked, running counter to the Obama administration’s claims that Al Qaeda and its global affiliates are weakening.

“Clearly the attack in Nairobi and the target was selected for its propaganda value,” said Mark Schroeder, vice president of Africa analysis at Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence firm. “Al-Shabab has really not been successful attacking hardened sites in Somalia, so it clearly shifted its method by attacking this preeminent shopping mall in Nairobi. It will be a great shot in the propaganda arm to show that al-Shabab is a vibrant militant group.”

Source: FOX News – FOX News: Kenya mall siege will help terror group recruit in US, say experts

One thought on “FOX News: Kenya mall siege will help terror group recruit in US, say experts

  1. I hate to say it, BUT………….

    All of this same horrible stuff is soon comin’ to America!!!

    In the year 2007, the Lord warned me of unbelievable terrorist attacks to ONE DAY, in the near-future, take place in open public places; such as in shopping malls, retail and grocery stores, parks, sports arenas, restaurants and café, transportation depots, etc.

    Therefore, from God’s Heavenly Judgment Seat, time is indeed “running out” for America; as she gradually will LOSE – via TERRORISM and FOREIGN INVASIONS – all of her peace, all of her prosperity, all of her safety, and all of her security. The God of Heaven, being greatly “displeased” [to say, the least] with the SINS of America, will begin REMOVING His providential favor upon her, by taking away more and more of the divine protection that He has already placed upon her, since the very beginning of the nation. The “HEDGE” of Isaiah-5 is soon coming off of America!!!

    America, indeed, in the coming years, will eventually be “JUDGED” by the Lord with unbelievable and unexpected “economic collapse” and mass Third-world type of poverty; and judged with incredibly violent terrorism, gang violence, civil unrest, deadly natural disasters, plagues, pestilences, famine, “martial law”, despotism, and covert infiltration by America’s enemies. Enemy attacks, internal strife, climatic disasters, geological upheavals, and many other terrible calamities shall INCREASE upon American soil – in terms of locality, frequency, and great intensity. And as far as the Lord thy God Himself is concerned, this awfully wicked nation will DESERVED every “bit” of His devastating judgments, since the government of the United States and its people CONTINUE to REFUSE to REPENT of their ongoing SIN, and subsequently turn their lives over to Jesus Christ; BUT INSTEAD, with nearly everyone keeping on REBELLING against the Most High God. Therefore, with modern history testifying to America’s abominable greed and unspeakable crimes against humanity – and her stubborn refusal to correct her sinful ways – time has now come for her to be JUDGED by the God of Heaven and Earth.

    Let us pray; that God would indeed be “MERCIFUL” towards our grossly-wicked nation, even during his deadly judgments – event though we surely don’t deserve any of it!!

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