George Beverly Shea Called Home

Our hearts and the hearts of millions are deeply saddened today by the news that the legendary Gospel singer George Beverly Shea, 104, has passed away. He will be deeply missed by millions who loved him and were touched by his ministry.

George was a faithful lifetime friend and ministry associate of Dr. Billy Graham. Billy Graham has been the voice of the Gospel to the world, and George Beverly Shea stood side-by-side with him, preaching and singing for over six decades. God gave Billy the words, and gave George the music and they harmoniously flowed together to deliver the Gospel to more than 200 million people worldwide. Millions have accepted Christ and walked down to an altar of salvation as Billy gave the invitation, and George sang – his deep rich baritone voice reverberating How Great Thou Art, Just as I Am, and I’d Rather Have Jesus.

One of my great honors was having George on my broadcast at PTL and having him stand next to me as we ministered the Gospel together.

He now stands with the hosts of heaven and sings a new song before the throne of God. Our loss is heaven’s gain, but we know one day we will be reunited.

Until then…. we will miss him.


Jim & Lori Bakker

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