Heaven Greets Reverend Robert Schuller

My wonderful friend Robert Schuller once said, “Always look at what you have left, never look at what you lost.” This morning heaven gained a loving man of God that spent his life finding and sharing the positive. He was a motivating thinker, a great innovator, fellow dreamer and my friend. What is left to cherish of Robert Schuller and his life are his encouraging words, lives that have been changed with his message of hope and a legacy of preaching the loving gospel.

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” Robert Schuller


Reverend Robert Schuller was one of the last of the pioneering founders of Christian Television. His contribution to the Christian world will be remembered always! Hour of Power can still be seen on various television channels. His messages were always meant to guide the hurt towards healing and wipe the tears away with a smile and encouraging word. Robert has now joined his beautiful wife Arvella who passed away last year. Our prayers are with his children and grandchildren as they mourn the loss of this remarkable man!

9 thoughts on “Heaven Greets Reverend Robert Schuller

  1. I watched his service faithfully, missed it when I could no longer find it on tv. Thank you for the years you shared with us

  2. I’ve watched at times SCHULLER’S SHOW and that all it was a well presented show of humanistic sentimentally of a piety religious nature. having a form of godliness but denying the power of eternal life by holy spirit and the word of truth. 2Tim.3:5 – john4:23 says by the spirit of the LORD. Says,Bro.Jim Holmes

  3. OH my goodness…I am in shock that Rev. Schuller is gone! I pray for the peace of his family…and I know he had Jesus in his heart. But there was a time when I heard him say something to the effect that we all worship the same God; clearly we do not. While I do not believe this is a deciding factor for Reverend Schuller’s salvation, it COULD be one for someone who worships a false god and who believed what Rev Schuller said about us worshiping the same God. I also never heard him preach a sermon which taught us WHY we need a Savior; the fact that our good deeds are simply not enough. I remember several years ago, when his own church board voted him OUT of his own church! But I believe his position was rightfully restored to him….Deep sigh…. But I do hold very FOND memories of him…I loved his smile, his gentility, his sincerity….My mom listened to him every Sunday after we’d return from church when I was a kid. And I believe he was genuinely kind and loved our Lord with all his heart. May God grant peace to Rev Schuller’s family in this most saddened of times. I was so shocked to hear of his passing…and I know my mom will be deeply saddened when I tell her.

  4. He had Jesus as his Savior and Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life no one can come to the Father except through me” When we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our hearts and give our life to him and live it for him then we have assurance of heaven when we die. The bible tells us if you are BORN AGAIN that to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD !!!!

  5. Rev. Schuller was one of the first prominent media preachers to present the loving, positive, compassionate side of God. He made us believe that God really loved us and wanted more for us than just struggle, failure and negativity. He presented the God of the New Testament who wanted the best for us and Who had specific plans for each of our lives. That was revolutionary to many Christianss!! How wonderful to have contributed so much to the world. We will miss him.


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