ISIS Working With Boko Haram

John 16:2 Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

While the world is focusing on the Islamic terrorist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the terror unit is quietly working to help another extremist group set up their own “caliphate” in Nigeria.

The Nigeria Security Network has found connections between Boko Haram and ISIS that indicates the major terror network is helping the Nigerian outfit with military tactics, supplies and “spiritual” guidance.

“Unless swift action is taken, Nigeria could be facing a rapid takeover of a large area of its territory reminiscent of ISIS’s lightning advances in Iraq,” the NSN said.

The Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans is calling on President Obama to look beyond ISIS to the terror groups that are receiving their assistance as he builds a world coalition against terrorism.

“As the US President Barack Obama is articulating a strategy to degrade and destroy ISIS, we urge him not to forget Boko Haram as well. Every moment we leave Boko Haram alone empowers the terrorists to become even more devious and devilish,” CANA Executive Director Pastor Laolu Akande said in a statement.

Boko Haram followed in the footsteps of ISIS in declaring an Islamic Caliphate in northern Nigeria.  Some local leaders are now calling Boko Haram the “Islamic State Nigeria Branch”.

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