Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker, along with Zach, Sasha, and Jerry Jones attended the 2011 Get Prepared EXPO on Saturday, September 10, 2011 in Springfield, Missouri.
The Get Prepared EXPO is an educational experience centered on teaching self reliance of the whole family. The purpose of the EXPO is to educate the public on many of the things that Americans once knew how to do: things like farming, shortwave and ham radio operation, alternative energy sources, herbal medicine and first aid, food storage and so much more.

Lori Bakker, Eric McCallister (Head of Shipping), Maricella Woodall, and Zach Drew exploring the booths at the Get Prepared EXPO
Joyce Riley, R.M., BSN, spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association and host of The Power Hour radio show, taught a seminar titled “When there is no Medicine”. In this seminar, Joyce taught about what to do when there is no medicine and none is available in the near term.
Joyce shared in this seminar that one item she would not be without is Silver. Silver ions and silver compounds show a toxic effect on some bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi. Silver’s germicidal effects kill many microbial organisms in vitro. Silver also has beneficial healing and anti-disease properties.
Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker were also introduced to Frank Weston, co-developer of Insta-Fire. Designed as an emergency fire starter, Insta-Fire is a patented blend of volcanic rock, wood pellets, and paraffin wax. This 30 year shelf life, patented formula is what makes Insta-Fire water resistant for use in even the most severe weather. Pastor Jim is very excited to be able to offer this product to our Partners in the coming months.