John Shorey Visits Grace Street

As Pastor Jim opened the show on Monday, he recalled how God had urged him to go back on television after he had publicly said he would not do so.  The reason:  to provide a platform for the prophets to come and speak to the saints as End-Time events unfold.  He said that there would be well-known, as well as obscure prophets with important messages for the Last Days.

John Shorey is one-such man!

Monday was an amazing first day with John Shorey on the Jim Bakker Show live taping!

John shared revelations given to him by God as he fasted and prayed over what God wanted him to do with the rest of his ministry and the message God had for him to deliver.  John knew that message concerned the timing of the Lord’s return, the rapture of the saints, and the preparation for the End Times preceding those events.  He revealed some of the reasons he believes the window of Jesus’ return is between 2012 and 2020, and that the saints would endure at least part of the tribulation period.

On Tuesday’s live show, Pastor Jim will discuss more of John’s revelation of the End Times and challenge him on some of his conclusions in his book!

Interestingly, John’s middle name is “Joseph.”  Like Joseph, John emphasized being prepared in Times of Trouble with food and other resources that are offered here in our Love Gifts section of the website.  The preparation for soon-coming events in our world have been prophetically inspired along with the message of the timing of the Lord’s return.

God truly has brought John Shorey out of obscurity and thrust him into the limelight for such a time as this!

It’s a day you are not going to want to miss!  If you are not able to join us here at Morningside, you can view this taping on our Live Web Stream starting at 11:30 a.m. Central time.

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