Jordan extremist praises Boston bombing

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

The head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group said early Tuesday that he was “happy to see the horror in America” after the explosions in Boston.

“American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,” said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaida-linked plot to attack U.S. and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.

“Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there,” he said early Tuesday.

Source: Associated Press – Jordan extremist praises Boston bombing

4 thoughts on “Jordan extremist praises Boston bombing

  1. Morningside is a place where we can go to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church. It is the prophetic voice for the age in which we live.

  2. When I saw them showing the Military Members without limbs that were going to run in the Boston Marathon a few days back on TV, I got a strong feeling from the Lord that a group or cell if you will was going to use bombs to stop the Boston Marathon in protest of the Military. That they didn’t want the military soldiers who were heros getting any press or praise for overcoming their wounds in protecting our country from terrorism. Even if they say in the end that only one person did this, I still have a very strong conviction that it was more that there was planning via a group or cell of people. I am praying for those who were injured, as well as for the families of those that were killed by this terroristic action. Thank you for your continued ministry. P.S. would you also include me in your prayers as I contracted Bell’s Palsy on 4-8-2013. The old chicken pox virus I had as a three year old came back to life inside my body and attacked my seventh cranial nerve, so that the right side of my face is paralyzed at least for a time. I know God will heal it and with exercises I have seen a tiny bit of improvement. Though the prayers for the others are more important right now. God Bless and Keep You.

    • Dear Lauralee Jesus has already paid for your healing so receive it by faith and I curse that chicken pox virus in your body and command it to die in Jesus’ Almighty name. I agree that Satan is using whom ever will yield to him to attack, kill, destroy nnd itimidate where ever he can becsuse he knows his time is short. I agree in pray for those hurting and we must put on the Full Armor, not remove it. Read Palms 91, 61,62,63,64. Apply the Blood of Jesus to all attached to you everyday.

  3. Yeshua when prayer told me I am not given a prophetic message,before I make a statment. He said one situation after another shall happen what Jim shared about a person making bombs I believe soon that shall happen I feel strongly,this the beginning of things to happen.

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