Marathon bombing suspect may be fleeing in green Honda

Police in Massachusetts and Connecticut are hunting for a green Honda and much of Boston remained on lockdown as the hunt for the second Boston Marathon bomber continued following a chaotic night of mayhem night that saw a police officer and one of the suspects killed.

The car was described as a green Honda Civic with Massachusetts plate number 116 GC7. It was not known who owned the car, but the police bulletin could mean authorities fear remaining suspect Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, whose brother and fellow bombing suspect was killed early Friday, could have slipped out of the tight perimeter formed by police and FBI agents in the Watertown section of Boston.

Word of the car hunt came during a tense afternoon that saw Black Hawk helicopters patrolling the sky above a search zone where police were going door-to-door hunting for Tsarnaev. A bullet-riddled SUV was recovered in the city’s Watertown section and the FBI searched a home in Cambridge where the brothers were believed to have lived. A woman was taken from inside the building, but it was not known if she had any connection to the suspects.

Source: FOX News – Marathon bombing suspect may be fleeing in green Honda

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