Meteor Streaks Across Russian Urals, Leaves Nearly 1000 Injured

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

With a blinding flash and a booming shock wave, a meteor blazed across the sky over Russia’s Ural Mountains region Friday and exploded with the force of an atomic bomb, injuring more than 1,000 people as it blasted out windows and spread panic in a city of 1 million.

While NASA estimated the meteor was only about the size of a bus and weighed about 7,000 tons, the fireball it produced was dramatic. Video shot by startled residents of the city of Chelyabinsk showed its streaming contrails arcing toward the horizon just after sunrise, looking like something from a world-ending science-fiction movie.

It came hours before a 150-foot asteroid passed within about 17,000 miles (28,000 kilometers) of Earth. The European Space Agency said its experts had determined there was no connection between the asteroid and the Russian meteor – just cosmic coincidence.

Source: Huffington Post – Meteor Streaks Across Russian Urals, Leaves Nearly 1000 Injured

One thought on “Meteor Streaks Across Russian Urals, Leaves Nearly 1000 Injured

  1. It came as a shock to me. I assumed the governments were monitoring the skies and had the readiness to shoot those things down. This is something the government should do.

    Rachelle of Seattle Landscape Architect

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