Rabbi Jonathan Cahn “Home Again”

Rabbi Cahn packed the house yet again as he and Pastor Jim and Lori discussed the Passover and other major issues facing our nation and our world. The Rabbi called Morningside his “second home” and said every time he comes, he feels like he is back home again.

As the program began, Lori recalled how she had met Billye Brim in a local grocery store and asked her what the current word of the Lord is, and she replied without hesitation, “Jesus is coming very, very, very soon.” Lori added that Jesus is going to restore all things to His people, and then she talked about the amazing week she and Pastor Jim had just had in Fort Mill, South Carolina where they taped several shows from the grounds of Heritage International which is the former Heritage USA – built in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s by Pastor Jim and the PTL partners and friends.

Abandoned and neglected for many years, several of the buildings built at Heritage USA back then have been restored by Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, and Dale Hill and Russell James have restored the Big Barn and the Upper Room. “Preachers said that Jim would never preach again, but God said He will preach again!” Lori said, and not only is he preaching at Morningside, he just preached in a historic “homecoming” at Heritage International that will air soon on the Jim Bakker Show regular programming.

Pastor Jim honored Rabbi Cahn and said that God has put his hand on Jonathan and has anointed him with a message “for such a time as this.” “I believe God has chosen Rabbi Cahn to be a voice,” said Pastor Jim, “and a strong voice he is!” Jim again stated that he had been given a mandate from God to build a platform for the prophets to come and speak to the Church in the Last Days, and this was his honor to have Rabbi Cahn there with his prophetic message.

The Rabbi and Pastor Jim discussed how more and more Christians are finding their Jewish roots and how the Church is coming back to their roots as a sign of the End Times. The Rabbi said this is an End Times phenomenon – Jew and Gentile together. He said that Israel knows that their best friends are Christians.

Pastor Jim talked about the Prophetic Roundtable he had been a part of while in the Carolinas and how one man had emphasized that America is one natural disaster away from complete financial collapse. This lead to a discussion about Rabbi Cahn’s recent address at the Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. that was “so hot they had to put it under lock and key.” Short clips were played from that message where the Rabbi called the nation to repentance for forsaking the commandments of Jesus and the Bible’s teachings. The Rabbi had said that all of our leaders warned us – George Washington – saying in effect that if America ever turns away from God, that God will withdraw His blessings.

Pastor Jim said that Billy Graham is planning one last message to America and is taping it in two minute clips, as his strength is failing in his 95th year.

The Harbinger came out in 2012 which was a tipping point for America as she is moving further and further away from God – while the eyes of the Lord are searching to and fro for a people whose hearts are totally His. We need to be those people! We were born to proclaim the message of Jesus. “We have to be strong now, if we are silent then the light goes out and the enemy wins,” said Rabbi Cahn.

The Rabbi encouraged Christians to be strong and brave. “If we are not different, we can’t make a difference. All I need to hear is ‘well done.’” Rabbi Cahn

Tomorrow’s show promises to be even more enlightening as Rabbi Cahn teaches about the Passover feast and the audience partakes of a traditional Passover meal.

One thought on “Rabbi Jonathan Cahn “Home Again”

  1. my name is luke martin in ovid Michigan ive had dreams of john cahn when I was young I also had dreams of the gaint that nebcasner had and also the beast coming out of the sea and the one thing trampling the other cause it was strong when I was just like 5 years old but I never knew what it meant im 40 know and every thing I dreamed is exactly how I saw it before he showed me the city of glass and the ashes and smoke going up for eternity god revealed all this and more but I don’t know what the rest means have to wait to find out I guess thank you jim for havin him I know have a face to the voice luke

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